The Random thread

People it occured me that we dont really have a random thread for all r little randomness ways!

So i thought, we could all share things we'd like to say but have no where to put it

My moment of randomness came tonight when i decided on skype with my OH that i would preform the chicken dance to my own song of 'baby get that butt butt'

P.s please dont tell me there is one already lol

THE chicken dance? Arrested Development taught me there are many.

ShaftMaster wrote:

THE chicken dance? Arrested Development taught me there are many.

Lol, thanks for making me think of possibly the greatest comedy ever!

No worries AliMc, you're welcome!


see randomness already

And this has made me smile Thanks Miss teach

You are very welcome!

Please do expect more weird and wonderful messages from me!


I'll try and add my own when I can. For instance:

A while ago, my gf sent me a pair of her knickers in the post. So the next time we were chatting on webcam I wore them on head. That counts as random, right?

I was chatting online with my boyfriend about the Clone-a-willy kit and went into detail about the instructions and tips I had heard so we could be fully prepared when we used it, and then I realised I had sent the messages to my friend by mistake. That was embarrassing. Unless it's a situation where I can be anonymous I am a very private, shy person.

LOL! Im already so glad i started this thread!

I love u both :) x

Lol, I've sent a text about someone meant for another person, but sent it to the person I was talking about by mistake Luckily I was saying good things.


how awkward though if it had been an awful text....... wait a sec that's happened to me! When an ex was boasting to his friend about me (in a sexual way) and accidently sent the message to me....... lets just say i was not a happy camper

Lol, I think it was to arrange a surprise catch up. Some surprise it was.


Needed a good slap me thinks :)

Sooooo........ i think we r losing the randomness?!? Is it creepy that we r the only ones posting on here? lol

A good slap?

And sorry, missed your earlier comment. Love you too (as much as my gf will let me).

Im lost about the slap comment... so never mind

Yes, not sure my fiance (one better than u lol) will allow me to love u to much lol

Hahaha, no worries. And as much as I love my gf, not ready for fiance!

Anyhooves, back to the random


EPIC! Ok maybe i could love u just a little more lol

Miss teach&nurse wrote:


EPIC! Ok maybe i could love u just a little more lol