The snip?

My partner had the snip 3 years ago. Our daughter was born with special needs which we didn't know about until she was born. We then had our son 2 years later who was ok. We decided then it would be too risky to have any more plus my partner also had kids from a previous relationship. The operation itself was quick. He said it was uncomfortable but not agony. After about 3 days on just paracetamol and the odd ibuprofen he was ok. We had sex about 2 weeks after the op. We had to use condoms until he had his sperm test 3 months later but once it was confirmed that his sample was sperm free it was all good. Best decision we ever made. I didn't want to go on contraception as I had had issues with it in the past. It hasn't changed his sex drive at all. It is a very big decision though so make sure you think it through fully.

I had mine done when I was 21 (privately)at the time it was the right thing to do.

After a divorce 6 years later and then meeting the love of my life I had a reversal operation which was very costly and unfortunately did not work.

The decision to have the snip is not one to be taken lightly.

I'm amazed they agreed to do it at 21. It again highlights the fact that it has to be viewed as permanent.
I was incredibly lucky my reversal worked. It is expensive though and requires a general anaesthetic as opposed to local for the snip. The recovery is longer for a reversal too.
After two failed relationships, including one partner who turned out to be a drunken bully, I am also with the love of my life but I'm not sure I would be with her if I wasn't able to make her pregnant.

paulsballs wrote:

I had mine done when I was 21 (privately)at the time it was the right thing to do.

After a divorce 6 years later and then meeting the love of my life I had a reversal operation which was very costly and unfortunately did not work.

The decision to have the snip is not one to be taken lightly.

I am sorry to hear this. I know this stress too well. 

Sorry going a little off topic... But just wondered if this led to the ICSI route for you guys? Of course, do not feel you need to answer as it is very personal. 

Just went to the hospital yesterday to book this in was suprised they do it under general or local.

But for me and my wife we have 3 children we would love a 4th but age and money are factors.I have also said that should we split i would like to think i would still support the children i have.Unless my money changed i couldnt support more children.

Thats not to say i cant see the point of other that have split with partner that have more children but i know its right for me.I am 34 but nhs have said its permanent and they dont pay for reversal so you got to be sure.

I also dont want to have my wife be on pills when i can do something i will admit im not thrilled by ideal but im sure the pain pales to that of pain compared to childbirth.

As it stands condoms no matter how thin are not the same.

I had the snip about ten years ago because my wife was having trouble due to the pill, so it was for health reasons, it was quite late in life for me and too late to consider having kids. Having it done was no problem at all.

Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

paulsballs wrote:

I had mine done when I was 21 (privately)at the time it was the right thing to do.

After a divorce 6 years later and then meeting the love of my life I had a reversal operation which was very costly and unfortunately did not work.

The decision to have the snip is not one to be taken lightly.

I am sorry to hear this. I know this stress too well.

Sorry going a little off topic... But just wondered if this led to the ICSI route for you guys? Of course, do not feel you need to answer as it is very personal.

no we just learnt to live with it

thanks for your thoughts

also i know the feelings of frustration you must have

I had my vasectomy yesterday, so now I'm all set up on the couch with the legs up relaxing. We should have the all clear in a few months, just in time for the wedding. Hard to believe after 7 months of waiting its over, no regrets at all.

After the discomfort of last night I was surprised and relieved to wake up with an erection!

AJ82 wrote:

I had my vasectomy yesterday, so now I'm all set up on the couch with the legs up relaxing. We should have the all clear in a few months, just in time for the wedding. Hard to believe after 7 months of waiting its over, no regrets at all.

After the discomfort of last night I was surprised and relieved to wake up with an erection!

At least you know it still works

Glad it all went well for you.. don't rush back into sex. Whilst the erection isn't painful when thr balls start getting slapped up against thats when you will feel it.

Good luck with the healing process. If you notice an infection starting get straight down to the docs. I waited two days and ended up in hospital for a week with a surgical infection.

Hi All, Had mine over the weekend, pretty easy considering I'm not
keen on these things! I'm so horny it's unbelievable - only had it done
on Saturday! How long before I shoudl ejaculate? The incision is still
weeping a tiny bit, I've rested up over the weekend bar a bit of walking
about etc but I'm desperate to release my load LOL. I've got no pain
really at all and didn't have any from the Op, few pain killers and rest
and I'm OK! Just wandered how long before people did the deed or at
least released the seed?

I think it's going to be different for everyone. It's all about comfort.
If you feel ready to then go for it. Just take it slow and make sure you
clean up well too.

Ex had kids so I had it done, worked well. Got divorced and met my wife
who wanted kids so I had a private reversal, that worked well and 2 kids
later I had the snip again. Both times it was just slightly
uncomfortable for a few seconds but they talk to you while it's being
done and it takes your mind off it. That smell though... What's with
the week/two weeks off lark too? Both times I was sat at my desk working
the next day!

Well 2 days on, a good session last night and it all still works and
wasn't painful very pleased with the recovery.

Glad to hear you're recovering well and you got your release.

I got snipped at 28 and am 60 now . Many guys my age getting testosterone treatments , not me . Horny as I was at 20 . If you get it done , take it super easy for 3 or 4 days . Guy I know did not and paid a hefty price , 3 days in hospital and several weeks off work . Back when I had it done , six weeks of no sex . Then “take a sample” and if all good you can have a hump fest !

I had it done 7 years ago. The consultant fused my tubes together so the testes are joined by a short length. I did faint after peeing two days later, which goes to show guys, always put the loo seat down, I came to with my hand down the bowl! Funny looking back now but lucky I didn't crack my head on the toilet. However, by fusing them together means it's a real pain to "tuck" ie hiding ones genitalia to form a flat front when wearing tight feminine clothes. C'est la vie.

Thank you for all the replys its been very helpful and a few tears as well. It's a tough choice, we have one lovely boy nearly 7 so age gap seems big to have a new born, wife struggled with child birth and is done no more kids, also struggling with contraception so having a knock on effect with sex life and relationship I have always wanted more children but know mid 30s and life in a good place. My mind says get it done as most logical choice. But my heart will possible always want more kids which won't happen. Guess hindsight is a bitch and can't see future.

There are non- hormonal methods if the hormones are causing the problem here. Like the non-hormonal coil.

If you have some niggles I would say try other methods of contraception before taking this plunge. Or take some more time before making your final decision as a family and as an individual, as it is your body.

I only say this from the heartache we have had to face from past decisions made. Even my husband's ex-wife said she didn't want more due to some past circumstances but has ended up with another planned baby.

I am sure this has been discussed in great detail with your partner so I am sorry for putting my opinion in again. If a vasectomy is what you all want and feel is need then all the best and good luck on whatever path you decide.