Things that make you go BLEURGH!

I was just sitting filing a newly ragged fingernail, pulling faces and trying not to barf. The sound of it, the way it feels... ugh, it makes me sick. My OH is similarly squeed out by the act of cleaning his ears and I was just telling him that a relative of mine is the same when she touches sponge.

That got me thinking. There must be all manner of every day things that make some people feel a bit ill.

Would you care to share yours?

brushing my teeth for a length of time and the old gag reflex to do agree.

dead spiders, I'm not a fan of spiders at all but dead ones make me go a bit funny!

The smell of my daughter sick. Seriously i use to be carer so this i should be able to handle.nope the smell sets me off

Simple, FEET! Can't stand them!

Rough nail catching on clothing, bedsheets etc. it can even wake me up when it catches and then have to file it otherwise I won't get back to sleep.

+1 for dead spiders.

Also chalk and cotton wool can actually make me cry they freak me out so much.

People biting straws.

Cotton wool swabs in your teeth either when losing teeth as a child, or if you have any dental work done...


Just the thought of that 'squeaky' feeling of cotton wool between teeth makes my mouth and tummy feel all weird!

Spiders, dead or alive!

The feeling of chalk under my fingernails, the feeling of metal cutlery on my teeth if I accidenly catch them while eating, watching my partner open beer bottles with his teeth... eeeurugh


I once had surgery without anaesthetic rather than use the local anaesthetic which was banana flavour and smell.

I can't touch chalk without feeling sick!

I find peoples likes and dislikes really fascinating. There's not many of those things mentioned that would bother me other than feet.

My kid just made my eye twitch by chewing gum with his mouth open and I've remembered that I can't stand the feel, look or existence of candy floss.

Sitting on a train or bus watching people picking their noses.

Cotton wool - can't even touch the stuff !

Crumpets - like chewing a bath sponge, and mashed potato - like eating cotton wool !

hair stuck in the plug hole

pulling hair off the hairbush

paulsballs wrote:

Sitting on a train or bus watching people picking their noses.

And watching men do this in their cars while waiting at traffic lights !

I hate people being sick, it's such a fear of mine. I've actually had professional help to try sort me out as its not a great fear to have with my job! I'm getting there, slowly but surely

Dog and cat mess make me heave, especially when on the kids' shoes when they were little. Ugh!!

SPITTING and finding it on your shoes.