Thoughts on (illegal) drugs...

fistinglover69 wrote:

p.s i smoke weed every day and i have MORE motivation, im more happy, i wanna socialise with people and have loads of sex

I have a small joint on a night when little man is in bed and it beats going out and getting pissed because i'm relaxed, happy, safe and it also makes me eat! Which is a plus as I don't eat very much during the day. My son is not around it, I am not around him while under the influence and to be honest even if I was around him while stoned I would trust myself ten times more than if I looked after him after a drink. I would never do that

MDgrape wrote:

american study, but the point is valid and has been backed up in other studies

I didnt mean about smoking necessarily, my dad had lung cancer and i know smoking kills, everyone does. I know it is very addictive, but never would I have thought it was more addictive than Heroin. Surely heroin is a far worse drug and not that easy to give up as some addicts will steal and rob just to get their fix.

Fistin also wrote ` caffeine is as addictive as cocaine'. Again i would like to see the research to back this up. I can give or take coffee, and I dont always need it in the morning as soon as I get up and I dont get withdrawal symptons if I dont have any for days.

Life is yours to do as you wish...

Its when you are involving or harming those that love you that it becomes a problem...

One of my friends was a heroin addict in Italy , he saved himself by moving to France TVB Salvatore

Dee_licious333 wrote:

MDgrape wrote:

american study, but the point is valid and has been backed up in other studies

Fistin also wrote ` caffeine is as addictive as cocaine'. Again i would like to see the research to back this up. I can give or take coffee, and I dont always need it in the morning as soon as I get up and I dont get withdrawal symptons if I dont have any for days.

I think this depends on the person as for some people caffeine CAN be as addictive as cocaine but for others it may not be. I think this is a very hard subject to discuss as people have their own preferences and everyone is different


i tried cannabis twice in my life

once was low grade herbal stuff that made me white out ( apparently when you make cakes you shouldnt put the grass in the mix)

and the other time was hashish in a vaporisor.

personally i didnt like it and i don't react well to it, i get paranoid and upset. I know this is a family thing too as my mother is a regular user and the emotional abuse she gives is 10x worse when she's smoked (lasting at least a fortnight or more with the paranoia. thank god she can't get the strong stuff or a steady supply where she lives)

my veiw on cannabis is probably tainted because of theese things, but i do think it can affect cognition and mental health and that's the kinda thing that you only know about once some damage has been done.

legalization would be good, as long as there was some sort of monotoring or more education in schools ( alcahol education is poor in schools too) it'd help know what you are doing and be easier for people to get help. medical use is an interesting topic too, but i don't know much on it.

the only other drugs ive seen is MDMA, I wasnt using it but was at a small house party with people who were when one guy got suicidal and threatened to kill himself and injure with bottles. I was the only sober one there, so it was terrifying having to remove glass and sharp objects incase a stranger i didnt know would hurt himself.

as for smoking im not keen but i do think adults have a choice, and pay taxes heavily because of that choice. I've never smoked tobacco but i like shisha (tobbaco free) as it tastes nice and the inhaling/exhaling is comforting ( passive smoker from mother and grandmother) I know however the health issues are as bad as ciggarettes and tobacco product

as for "nicotine harder to give up than heroin" my mother just uses that as an excuse not to even try to give up - which pees me off greatly. my gran smoked for 70 years and gave up on pure willpower by weaning herself off - it's doable!

I am a heavy caffine user, so much so that i can drink a coffee before bed and have no problems (i do so daily) I've been drinking coffee since I was about 8. I am not addicted to coffee, as i can happily go a few days without with no bad side effects. Caffine can give childeren greater concentration and has similar effects to ritalin. caffine is not a deamon drug at all and there's a reason it's legal. also tea contains more caffine than coffee!

Lady.Gasm.X wrote:

I think cannabis should be legalised because yes it does have benefits and these out weigh the side effects. Also it is not addictive and does not damage your body.

False, I'm afraid, but a common misconception. Cannabis smoke contains higher levels of carcinogens than tobacco smoke, as well as containing carbon monoxide and tar, and because people tend to hold the smoke in for longer you actually inhale and retain more tar than with a cigarette. Smoking just 3 or 4 joints a day (and I'm not saying you do btw, I saw that you said it was just once a day in your next post) is equivalent to smoking 20 cigarettes a day in terms of lung damage. The THC can also cause tachycardia, putting strain on your heart, and the carbon monoxide reduces the oxygen carrying capacity of your blood thus reducing the oxygen supply to your heart. Cannabis also reduces your immune function and suppresses the cells which protect us against tumours. There are also some fun oral effects, which I find interesting as a dentist-to-be, but since most people aren't that interested in those I won't go on and list them all!

My personal stance is against the use of all drugs, and I don't use any, including alcohol and smoking (and caffeine for those that include it, but that's more because caffeine makes me feel ill). However I don't for a moment kid myself that mine is an attitude that would be accepted by the masses. I do think it's contradictory that alcohol and cigarettes are legal but other drugs aren't, because I'd agree that the effects of some illegal drugs are no worse than those of legal drugs. I'm still a bit undecided about what I think should be legal, part of me thinks that if alcohol is legal then cannabis should be too, but I've also seen some old friends of mine become completely different people due to cannabis, and not in a good way.

OK so I've dabbled with various drugs in my day and the odd joint occasionally now but never actually had sex whilst under the influence of any drugs but I'm sure the experience is different. Could be better / Could be worse, I cant say. Would imagine cocaine for both partners would be pretty mind blowing !

Wouldnt mind trying Poppers with my wife, pretty sure she'd be keen to give it whirl once anyway.

Off to Holland in October and my wife is pretty keen to visit the coffee shops in Amsterdam so it could be our first time together whilst both of us are high.

Everyone is going to have their own opinion on this subject and everyone is entitled to express said opinion without judgement.

I tend to agree with Lady.Gasm. on this. Cannabis should be legalised. The pro's outweigh the con's I think. If cannabis is used in moderation that is... I understand that some people want to use it for pain relief purposes and those people should be able to freely. As a sufferer of a long term condition which causes me to be in pain A LOT, I have tried cannabis as a form of pain relief and for me, it didn't work. But for others it might.

I have had sex during the high of cannabis and also magic mushrooms (on separate occassions) however I can't recall it being much different. I think the OH lasted longer?

On tobacco and alcohol. People are always going to smoke and drink. If they want to do it then that is their decision and I would never judge them for it. The same applies with all drugs. Although personally I may not want to try certain illegal drugs, I would never pass judgement on somebody who does. How can I possibly judge something I'm not willing to try?

SBB xx

funny situation has developed over the years, illegal drugs are now readily available and cheaper than legal ones. There is no real stigma attached to it even politicians admit smoking dope.

yeah and they are a right load of dopes too aren't they lol

I used to smoke cannabis pretty much every day for the last 2 years. I didn't feel that it affected my mood or motivation as such, I still managed to hold my job, and do it very well, keep my band going and get everything done I needed to get done, but I did notice my short term memory had become affected and I was becoming less social. Not drastically, I wasn't a hermit or anything, but if I had the choice to go for a drink with the guys after work or go home and get high, more often than not I'd opt to go home.

I would say I developed an addiction to it, my excuse to myself was that it helped my sleep, and honestly, I did have trouble sleeping before then and I always sleep really well after a joint or two.

In relation to my sex life, I'd say when I smoke weed it makes me horny. Some of the best orgasms I've had have been when I've been home alone and had a play with my toys after a smoke. Sex while slightly stoned is fun for me, I've never had a problem getting it up while in that state.

I have since cut right down on the weed front. It's an expensive habit when you smoke every day! While I still enjoy a smoke every now and again I feel I am no longer dependent on it.

I have also tried other drugs, mainly cocaine, mcat, mdma. They always make my evening more memorable and eventful but I hate the comedown. I only ever decide to do them after I've started drinking on a night out, everything seems like a good idea when you're drunk doesn't it? haha. Pills I've done also, but every time I've tried them I've thrown them up before the effects really kicked in, so I just stopped bothering with them.

In my opinion, I think cannabis should be legalised, as mentioned before, the pros outweigh the cons, and when used in moderation, I think it can be acceptable. I don't feel I have enough experience using or knowledge of other drugs to make an educated comment on them.


6 of my friend popped LSD tablets in a night club, walking home they had a group "trip" and were convinced a petrol pump was an alien invader. They started beating it with sticks and throwing stones at it. When the police arrived they were in a state of terror, they thought the blue flashing light was from the aliens mother ship. I never got into their drug scene after that, we often laughed about it though. The embarrassment of explaininmg to their parents what went on (or trying to) ended the experiments with LSD.

The effects of drugs are different for different people. I cant see excstasy for example ever being made legal because it can kill with one dose in a small number of people.

gunther wrote:


6 of my friend popped LSD tablets in a night club, walking home they had a group "trip" and were convinced a petrol pump was an alien invader. They started beating it with sticks and throwing stones at it. When the police arrived they were in a state of terror, they thought the blue flashing light was from the aliens mother ship. I never got into their drug scene after that, we often laughed about it though. The embarrassment of explaininmg to their parents what went on (or trying to) ended the experiments with LSD.

The effects of drugs are different for different people. I cant see excstasy for example ever being made legal because it can kill with one dose in a small number of people.

Lol that made me chuckle. That must have been quite a scene to watch!

I've never tried LSD or mushrooms aor anything like that and probably never will. Don't really like the idea of tripping my balls off for any extended period of time. I've heard enough stories about halucinogens to know it''s best to take them in a safe place though.

I know my limits with weed, and that's the other drug I'm really happy to take. And it's all natural

gunther wrote:


6 of my friend popped LSD tablets in a night club, walking home they had a group "trip" and were convinced a petrol pump was an alien invader. They started beating it with sticks and throwing stones at it. When the police arrived they were in a state of terror, they thought the blue flashing light was from the aliens mother ship. I never got into their drug scene after that, we often laughed about it though. The embarrassment of explaininmg to their parents what went on (or trying to) ended the experiments with LSD.

The effects of drugs are different for different people. I cant see excstasy for example ever being made legal because it can kill with one dose in a small number of people.

so can peanuts, those people have an allergy, and the percentage is far lower than peanuts, despite ecstasy pills being illegal and highly contaminated

i can't imagine that if ecstasy were legal like alcohol is, then we would see half the fighting and misbehaviour that's par for course in cities on saturday nights, it's the most pro social drug there is. (in fact i've been left wondering how i managed to make friends with about a hundred people when i wake up the day after XD)

i do think that no matter how bad a drug is for your health, it remains your choice as it's your body and your life

Wow, seems like this post got a few responses.

Having read through, people have made some good points, and one I particularly both disagre AND agree with is

Lady.Gasm.X wrote:

My opinion on other recreational drugs are that they are illegal and should stay illegal. Nobody knows whats in them anymore and they have several side effects.

It's true that no-one knows whats in drugs in anymore, but that's more to do with them being illegal and on the black market than anything else. If a drug dealer wants to make more money, they'll make their supply go further by mixing it with who knows what, so they can sell it to more people.

So when you're taking the drug (heroin, extasy, whatever), it's not the drug that causes all of the problems (but still some of them), it's all the gunk that shouldn't be there in the first place.

If drugs were legalised, then like alocohol and tobacco they would be policed and monitored, and we would have a better idea of what's in them, which wouldn't include anything that shouldn't be there.

There is a lot of informed opinion on here unfortunately many young people are not at all informed and being young are daft enough to try anything and dangerous combinations, certainly my peer group were and that was in the late 70s early eighties. There was a brilliant student at my school marked down for Oxford or Cambridge at the age of 13, he got involved in drugs and now is a waste of space, couldnt even hold down a postmans job.

However for some it is just a phase, of the 6 friends who took LSD (previous post on this thread) and got arrested 1 is a university lecturer 1 is an air traffic controller 1 is a petrochemical instrument specialist the others last time I heard were all sort of getting on with life. I suppose it is really a question of who is in control the drug or the person

For me the issue is no longer one based on the detrimental effects of the drugs concerned but the undeniable fact that the police and customs are utterly unable to control the trade (much as the USA learned with alcohol during prohibition). The value of the trade is such that those selling drugs are way better resourced than those trying to stop them. One has to ask if a stratergy based on legalisation, and education would work just as well, cut a major source of funding for organised crime and free up massive resources, currently expended ineffectively by the police and customs that could then be channelled into, say, the NHS where they might just do some good.

I miss when GHB/GBL used to be legal as sex/masturbation while on it was incredible. They banned it because it could be used as a 'date-rape' drug cos its effects cause disinhibition like alcohol. An idioticban though as the most common 'date-rape' drug is alcohol.

Anyway - GHB has the honour of being one of only a very few drugs capable of intensifying orgasm and physical sensation while also boosting male erectile capacity. In women it can prolong orgasm by quite a lot. Oh and if you're a lucky guy then it can cause men to have multiple or extended orgasms too. I remember the first time I used it was for a fap back when I was at uni (when it was legal and purchasable online).

I came so hard I lost control of my vocal cords and moaned/shouted so loud (I'm a guy and normally quiet) that my housemate downstairs watching TV heard it. He also told me he heard the bed banging too so I must have been thrashing! :p

Thankfully he didn't take the mick but just wanted to try himself. lol Saw him later on after he'd had a go solo and he looked like he'd just rediscovered cumming for the first time.

Happy days.

All the scousers saying legalise weed, surprise surprise

Everything needs to be used in moderation, but lots of people abuse lots of substances. Ideally substances should be rationed and cigarettes should not have tar in them. Some of the drugs I have no problem with but the harder ones I don't think should be avaliable, especially as those can be damaging and very addictive after just one use. The legal substances and lighter drugs generally need longer. Then again prescription drugs can be addictive too.