The monster in my head

Was reading another post potentially related to addiction and kind of inspired me to share a little bit more around my experience with what I’ll simply call my unwell mind.
I’ve often mentioned in comments before how I am in recovery from drug addiction, it’s been just over 3 years (or more accurately, 1150 days today) since I put a mind altering substance in me (drugs or alcohol), and I have not had the obsession or even a temptation to do so for a very long time.
I am generally in a good place. In a relationship that is honest and open (in terms of talking that is), and always learning more about myself. I actually recognize I am a decent guy, and generally have been (of course, I have had plenty of times of shame, embarrassment etc., but who hasn’t?).
Generally speaking, all is pretty good in Mr_Kinks world. However, my head, or the monster (addict, alcoholism, whatever people choose to call it), doesn’t like my knew calm peaceful life of purpose.

I’ll save you from all the addict background etc., and move straight onto main point.

Me and my girlfriend live apart, she has 3 school age children. I have 2 adulting kids, 1 that lives with me. I mention this only because she no longer has ‘child free’ nights.
From when the C word kicked in, we have gone from semi-regular kink and frequent quality vanilla sex, to frequent vanilla quality sex, to, infrequent vanilla sex. I’m not sure what it is right now. A dry spell, if you will. And that, as a whole, should be absolutely fine. I understand the circumstances around kink, it is difficult to be able to relax being blindfolded and tied up with kids sleeping in next room. No issues with that. And I have no issues with frequency, it’s always more about quality. Except now, it seems to be a nothing. The OH just doesn’t feel in the mood. And that is fine, or at least I try to be fine as much as I can be. We have talked about it several times, although I have to be careful as the last thing I want to do is make it a ‘thing’ by adding pressure or causing more problems. I just try to be supportive, available to talk, and to listen if there is anything I can do to help. Really it is just be standard relationship stuff, I’m sure everyone has these times.
All I can do is give my OH time to work through what’s going on for her. Which should be fine, until of course the monster gets involved.

I started writing this a few months back, in fact last year ('21). Was feeling pretty low, so thought I’d just put together a rant - and actually makes more sense to continue this as it is related.
So I didn’t really get into the Monster part. It makes me feel like a completely different person, it affects my moods, behavior, decisions. It consumes me.
If we’re in bed together and I know nothing will be happening, my head will think of nothing else. I am wide eyed and feel like a man possessed. I have to literally battle with myself to not start touching her sexually, or in any way where all I want is get her in the mood.
My behavior at the time goes against all of my morals and beliefs, and scares me in terms of how little in control I feel of myself. My hands go on auto-pilot, wanting to touch and caress, and the more I fight it the more consumed I feel. It gets to a point that I have to leave and go home, and even then stay awake most of the night fighting in my head.

I am happy to report that I have made a lot of progress in terms of dealing with this stuff, however it still affects me. Me and the OH have been in a funk for around a year now, and that’s OK. I love her dearly, I know she has been treated pretty badly in the past and has some head jazz going on. I try my hardest now to not rescue, and to just be there and support her when I can. I’ve suggested the docs a few times, but she thinks its psychological rather than physical/medical.
Recently she wrote me around how she feels on stuff, mainly based around our current funk as she knows its affecting us both. My first thoughts were to reply paragraph for paragraph, like I was marking a frigging essay, because of course, I am always right (my ego is a c*"#). Made everything all about me (surprise!), proper victim and hard done by me.
Lost my temper with myself, did some meditation and recovery work. Read it back again a few days later and decided to simply thank OH for her letter and her honesty.
I’m so glad I didn’t reply, and a week or so later we talked more around how things were affecting me, my needs of intimacy, and what sex and kink mean to me (my way of expressing love, and kink for me is being completely open and vulnerable with the person I love).

Hmmm - 3rd time I have come to post a new topic and this reappears, so I think I’ll get to hitting the create button this time!

The monster is still in my head, of course he is, but we have a far better understanding of each other now. Occasionally he surprises me, like the other night, and I have to ‘up and leave’ my OH’s and take him home. If I stay, I know it is a battle in my head, very little sleep, and I’m tetchy next day, so best thing for all is for me to manage it that way.
There’s no real change in what’s going on with the ‘funk’, still a dry spell thats affecting both me and Mrs_Kink. I have spent a lot of time looking on whats going on for me, being open and honest with the OH about my needs and such like. I have to be careful, as I know this isn’t a thing through choice for her, just a lot of tiredness and nothing is having much affect in turning her on (usual ‘fail safes’ of smell, erotic reading, touching just have little to no affect).
There are moments she is in the mood, and preference is quickies to avoid head taking over.
Some good news though, she has spoke to Docs, and has an appointment for blood taking and testing, and based on some family history it seems like there may be something there that causes impact (I won’t go into detail as not about me).
It may be directly or indirectly caused, but either way it offers hope for her, and making her feel less ‘broken’, and still mindful there could be (probably is) head stuff added in as part of the last year and her past. I have to be mindful I’m not the only one with an unwell mind, and life really is not all about me!

I wonder now the purpose of my post. I guess since I thought about this post initially, 202 days ago, I’ve learnt a fair bit about me, and that has really helped. At various points I’ve wanted to post about it for the following reasons, in no particular order:

  • getting things out there and sharing what was going on for me.
  • for others that may have their own monster, to share and relate (I’m glad to say I’m no longer scared of him taking over).
  • offer a little hope for others that might be going through something similar in terms of ‘dry spells’.
  • the importance of honest and open dialogue with partner (honesty can be really difficult when I think I might upset someone I love).
  • what I want isn’t actually what I need. I want kink, lots of passionate love making. When I’ve looked at that what I need is what I see as intimacy, and being most vulnerable with someone that is very special to me.
  • my needs for intimacy, feeling wanted and desired, are important. I need them in my relationship, and it is OK for me to say when my needs are found wanting.
  • there are other ways to meet the a/m needs than sex and kink.
  • needing and having are very different. People, places, things are out my control. But my behavior, boundaries, and what I say is in my control.

I’ve written, deleted and rewritten a load more of this as I’ve gone through, so I guess it’s left as more of a summary, and it may be somewhat disjointed.
Anyhow, maybe it might offer some hope to someone, maybe some might find interesting, or perhaps just a tumbleweed just passing through.
As a wise man once said, it is what it is :slight_smile:,
Thanks for reading, Mr Kink (& his little monster)


Well done @Mr_Kink1 you so brave and strong for even sharing these things. Sending lots of love your way :heart:

Thanks Sam, always welcoming of love!
I’d disagree with brave and strong, just a lot more open and honest than I used to be :slight_smile:

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No problem babe. You’re brave and strong in just being open and honest. I had a bit a drug problem when I was younger but a relationship at the time was enough to resolve it for me.
In terms of mental health, it’s been a rollercoaster which I’m know is going to continue with my transition but hoping things will be even more positive than I already feel now soon!

Yes, and likewise yourself, it’s a big journey you’re starting!
I’m sure it’ll be a rollercoaster indeed, lots of excitement and fear no doubt, look forward to seeing your posts through it all. These forums are full of incredible people and not once felt judged on anything, thats pretty special to find online these days.

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Thank you and I’m exactly the same. This forum is genuinely caring and accepting in a way I wish the whole of society was

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Your openness and honesty is refreshing to delve into and from someone who’s grown up around an alcoholic, I know that your never truly healed from going clean, hence why many would rather say they’re in recovery. Needless to mention the core to any addiction is often from a past trauma but also it’s an imbalance in the brain which gives addictive personality and that can literally bounce from anything, so makes total sense you’ve still got this ‘little monster’ rolling about up there.

Also when you mention about making things about yourself rather than your girlfriend, it’s quite a natural thing for us all to try offer support by relating to our own experiences. Sometimes it’s helpful and other times it’s not, but for you to acknowledge this and actively monitor is very impressive and shows your in a better control over your inner self. It also gives point to all the self healing you’ve done by having a greater understanding of how your mind works.

Thank you for sharing this lovely post with us all :pray:


Very kind words, @AJSTAR, and I thank you. Growing up around an alcoholic can’t have been easy, the ripple affect is huge. Thankfully for those in recovery the healing can also have the same affect.
I agree with everything you say, especially with ‘recovery’. If I ever feel I’m recovered, I’m in big trouble.
Always a big debate on source of addictions, like the nature or nurture thing. I’ve avoided that rabbit hole and just accept I am an addict/alcoholic/unwell mind (or my little monster, for that matter)
My head will always looks for the easy option of making me feel better (shopping, gambling, drugs, sex/kink, social media, food, etc.,) - it can be quite complex, I’m just glad I can manage these things as they appear.
Being aware of what’s going on with my feelings, knowing they are mine and mine only, is huge. Other people and things can affect how I feel, but I have to own them and look whats happening for me.

There are so many people with stuff going on that may be far more subtle, it must be really difficult for them. I’m grateful mine slapped me in the face, bought me to my knees and led me to asking for help.

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Thanks for writing this, it doesn’t relate to me much but it was really worth the read, thank you and well done for putting it all out there, honestly you should be proud of yourself, and remember it may not always be about you, but sometimes it is.

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I think the fact it has taken you 202 days and numerous rewrites to post this shows what a huge journey you have been on and are still travelling on. It is a very comprehensive and honest account and I think demonstrates how important it is for all of us to be open and honest not just with our partners but also with ourselves.

Thank you for sharing.


Such an inspiring person you are and I sense you’d do wonders if ever was asked to talk to other recovery addicts needing some wise words to help them through.