tips ??

what would your best tip be for keeping the flame in the relationship burning ??

all advice welcome x

To burn a flame needs fuel and oxygen - so don't keep it smothered by things that don't matter. And feed it fuel by making time for each other.

Communication is key on everything.

Make time for each other. Time to talk time to listen time to be together time for romance time for sexy time.

Sum Sub wrote:

To burn a flame needs fuel and oxygen - so don't keep it smothered by things that don't matter. And feed it fuel by making time for each other.

Communication is key on everything.

Make time for each other. Time to talk time to listen time to be together time for romance time for sexy time.

+ 10000

Communication. Share your fantasies and your concerns, talk everything through. Never take the other for granted.

All of the above plus be best friends

Sum Sub wrote:

To burn a flame needs fuel and oxygen - so don't keep it smothered by things that don't matter. And feed it fuel by making time for each other.

Communication is key on everything.

Make time for each other. Time to talk time to listen time to be together time for romance time for sexy time.

+ 1 - Very well said Hun :) xx

100% agree sum sub :) talking is the key and making time for each other.

Don't be afraid to share your fantasies. Surprise each other. Make that extra effort to out on nice undies etc

Make time for date night too

sexylady20 wrote:

what would your best tip be for keeping the flame in the relationship burning ??

all advice welcome x

Communication, talk explorer as you become more and more close to your OH. To share your inner most desires can be amazing.

Be playful as much as you can, try not to get bogged down by things.

I've been with my husband for 14 years, never even had another boyfriend (and he's never had a girlfriend) and yet we still have a fantastic physical relationship.

What would my advice be?

Be nice to each other! Be friends, be polite (doesnt hurt to say thankyou even when you're married) and compliment each other. Be best friends.

Don't get too hung up on your figure or weight. I'm short, pasty white and rather plump. I've always struggled with my weight, and after having a (9lb7!) baby my confidence took a bashing. But my husband not only doesnt care, he tells me he loves my pale (milky he says) skin and im lovely and soft and he says my stretch marks remind me of how brave I was in labour. Whatever! The point is, if you worry and worry about what you look like, sex is not going to be so good. Let it go.

Would agree with the others on communication.

However a simple cuddle &/or kiss out of the blue for no apparent reason works well.

Sum Sub wrote:

To burn a flame needs fuel and oxygen - so don't keep it smothered by things that don't matter. And feed it fuel by making time for each other.

Communication is key on everything.

Make time for each other. Time to talk time to listen time to be together time for romance time for sexy time.

Best thing I've ever heard...... if only everyone knew this :)

Every relationship is different and people will find that different things work for them, some people might think differently to what I find works but I'll share what I know..
Don't just be in a relationship! BE best friends, talk about everything, the way you would with friends, support eachother through any problems each of you have or share and don't keep things to yourself as It will ruin the trust in a relationship.
Make time for eachother like most people have said in this thread, little things like a hug or a kiss to remind you that they're in love with you, appreciate them, especially when they go out of their way to do something nice!
I know how hard this can be but try not to take your stress out on eachother as this can create a horrible mood between you.
And the obvious one.... sex! Make the sex passionate, not just a ''oh we haven't had sex in a while let's just do a quick 2 minute thing and then we're done''
Basically, just effort, effort and more effort, If you both make lots of effort you'll usually both feel happy and when you're happy things tend to feel a lot better!

pr4wnst4r wrote:

Every relationship is different and people will find that different things work for them, some people might think differently to what I find works but I'll share what I know..
Don't just be in a relationship! BE best friends, talk about everything, the way you would with friends, support eachother through any problems each of you have or share and don't keep things to yourself as It will ruin the trust in a relationship.
Make time for eachother like most people have said in this thread, little things like a hug or a kiss to remind you that they're in love with you, appreciate them, especially when they go out of their way to do something nice!
I know how hard this can be but try not to take your stress out on eachother as this can create a horrible mood between you.
And the obvious one.... sex! Make the sex passionate, not just a ''oh we haven't had sex in a while let's just do a quick 2 minute thing and then we're done''
Basically, just effort, effort and more effort, If you both make lots of effort you'll usually both feel happy and when you're happy things tend to feel a lot better!

You're absolutely 100% spot on there :)

pr4wnst4r wrote:

Every relationship is different and people will find that different things work for them, some people might think differently to what I find works but I'll share what I know..
Don't just be in a relationship! BE best friends, talk about everything, the way you would with friends, support eachother through any problems each of you have or share and don't keep things to yourself as It will ruin the trust in a relationship.
Make time for eachother like most people have said in this thread, little things like a hug or a kiss to remind you that they're in love with you, appreciate them, especially when they go out of their way to do something nice!
I know how hard this can be but try not to take your stress out on eachother as this can create a horrible mood between you.
And the obvious one.... sex! Make the sex passionate, not just a ''oh we haven't had sex in a while let's just do a quick 2 minute thing and then we're done''
Basically, just effort, effort and more effort, If you both make lots of effort you'll usually both feel happy and when you're happy things tend to feel a lot better!

BOOM!!!!! Theres the answer right there

pr4wnst4r wrote:

Every relationship is different and people will find that different things work for them, some people might think differently to what I find works but I'll share what I know..
Don't just be in a relationship! BE best friends, talk about everything, the way you would with friends, support eachother through any problems each of you have or share and don't keep things to yourself as It will ruin the trust in a relationship.
Make time for eachother like most people have said in this thread, little things like a hug or a kiss to remind you that they're in love with you, appreciate them, especially when they go out of their way to do something nice!
I know how hard this can be but try not to take your stress out on eachother as this can create a horrible mood between you.
And the obvious one.... sex! Make the sex passionate, not just a ''oh we haven't had sex in a while let's just do a quick 2 minute thing and then we're done''
Basically, just effort, effort and more effort, If you both make lots of effort you'll usually both feel happy and when you're happy things tend to feel a lot better!

Well said :) thumbs up !!!

thanks everyone all advice well taken and you have certainly opened my eyes... all advice was great :) xx