Too "big" for lingerie?

hell no girl you would look absolutely stunning

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And my god you look good in the photo’s @ChloJakes. There is nothing wrong with your body.

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Awwwww you or anyother plus size woman should ever think or feel that way!

To be totally upfront and honest, im a guy that likes and prefers a curvy or plus sized woman. To me and in my eyes you all look soooooo much more amazing, hot and sexy in nice lingerie and a massive turn on! Xxxxx


I’m so glad I found this thread. I’ve often felt too big for lingerie and not sexy at all at a size 24. However, with help from.a very supportive hubby I’m trying to love myself. I’ve gotten as far as loving parts of myself- I have pretty amazing boobs. So I buy lingerie that emphasises them and that goes a long way to making me feel sexy. Perhaps you have areas that you like?

I find babydolls good for highlighting the bits I like and masking what I don’t like. Some Basques make me feel good too, as they can hold things in place whilst highlighting what I want to show. Ultimately like others have said, you’re not alone in feeling like this, and it’s mostly a case of finding a style that works for you. Good luck xx


I don’t believe there is such a thing as ‘too big’ or ‘too old’ to do anything you want to do.

My wife is a size 12 now but for the previous 45 years of our marriage she fluctuated between a 14 and a 20. At no time did I find her any less attractive or sexy.

She is 68 years old and obviously no longer has the smooth firm body of a young person but she wears Basques, latex and crotchless lingerie and she drives me wild. When we get a new piece of lingerie she puts it on and I stand her in front of our full length mirror and tell her, and let her see for herself, just how good she looks.

Wear the lingerie you want and enjoy it to the full.


@rockstar the wife sounds amazing, the basque should be teamed up with stockings and suspenders to totally finish the look. You are a very lucky man.

We’re not lovers of stockings and suspenders. The first thing we do is to remove or cut off the suspenders. Hold ups occasionally.

My other half is a size 18/20, 5ft11 - after 2 kids she’s like a lot of other ladies not happy with her body (I think she’s gorgeous) - and we’ve tried a lot of lingerie over the past 12 months (I think maybe she got a bit overwhelmed with the many deliveries) - however some were testers from LH, others I’ve bought for her - some she picked out.

I would very much say that anyone can look sexy in lingerie regardless of size - however be prepared that some outfits might look rubbish based on your body size/shape and even based on the manufacturer. I think we’ve come to the conclusion that body stockings are definite no - but otherwise it’s worth trying stuff. I think we’ve found probably 10% of outfits that have made her feel knockout and sexy (and have led to a good few very fun nights) 50% are ‘nice’ but don’t do much for her body confidence (doesn’t hide tummy etc, although I thought they were amazing) and 40% that were meh!

But the Main thing is to give some styles a try! (Maybe when on sale etc until you know what you like) but please, please, please give it a go! Hopefully it’ll give your confidence a boost!


You’re not too big for lingerie, far from it, lingerie is for everyone, men and women of all shapes and sizes, and everyone looks good in what they wear! Confidence is the best accessory! I went from being a size 8/10 to a size 18/20, I have wide hips, a wobbly tummy and no boobs, and it’s all about your mindset. This is something that takes time, and experimenting with different lingerie to see what you feel comfortable and confident in. If you see something you like, trying it is the best option, it may not look like what you imagine, but trying it in different styles, or with other pieces can make the difference, I often wear high waisted knickers with suspenders under a body that is a little high rise to keep my tummy in. Don’t feel down if you aren’t fully satisfied with what you see, it’s a learning curve in your mindset and confidence, as you grow your exposure to different styles, materials, designs, you’ll see that it can be taken off and has no power over you. We are all different shapes and sizes, if we were all stick thin, no wobbly bits, then the world would be quite mundane, embrace your curves and wobbly bits, they make you you, yet do not define you! If something wobbles, it can be on full display, or it can covered by fabric, if you feel good in yourself that shows to the person seeing you in lingerie, you may not feel your best but I’ve known many men who think their partners look sexy af, wobbly bits or not.

I see lingerie as something for myself, and if anyone else gets to see it, that’s a bonus for them! Lingerie is a personal thing, you do you! Lingerie is a great way to boost self-confidence, where it can be just for you if you want, I have no doubts that guys will think you are incredibly sexy, but always remember, you are a unique, beautiful human in this world, and if you feel good, then that’s all that matters!


You can absolutely never be too big for lingerie.

If you use social media then I would definitely recommend following people that are similar shapes and sizes to you and have positive outlooks for some inspiration. My feed is made up of a lot of plus size people in lingerie and it really helped me to think, “gosh I would look HOT in that too”.

I completely understand the sentiment behind others saying their partners have given them confidence, and whilst that’s great I personally think it’s really important that it comes from within and you think you look sexy as hell, as other people’s opinions and views are something we cannot control and can change over time. If you feel and know you look sexy then that’s all that really matters. Especially as a single gal, going into different situations with different people if that makes sense.

Love yourself and treat yourself to all that you deserve - wear that lingerie for solo play (or lounging around the house, just because). Doing this really helped me feel more confident in what I was wearing and helps me figure out the stuff I feel best in. I think most people have parts of their body that they love and other parts they’re not so keen on, and so it’s about working out what you feel best in :crown:

Basically, go order that lingerie girl!


Buy clothes that make you feel HAPPY. If your partner truly wants to be with you he will LOVE what ever you wear.
We all have imperfections, endorse them and be you.


I’m 5’10 and wear a size 18-20. I carry a lot of weight in my stomach. I have pretty small breasts given my size, and they’re also assymetrical and wide set. Simply put… I hate my body. Straight my hate it. My partner loves it but all I see is flaws.

For me lingerie started as my way of avoiding being naked with him. I’d wear loose babydolls and nothing shear at all. I found my confidence grew a bit. I found myself willing to try more revealing things. And eventually I found myself loving lingerie.

I did a lingerie photoshoot, and I’d 100% recommend doing that. Finding a good photographer who makes you feel comfortable and can guide you in how to look best in your photos. I did it for my partner thinking I’d hand him the photos and never look at them again. But… I actually found myself enjoying the photos too. I was kind of in shock. Like… Holy shit. Is that actually me? Maybe I am capable of being some level of attractive.

Anyway. Do it for yourself. Go at your pace and do what you’re comfortable with. And try not to worry so much x


Oh my life, of course your not too big for lingerie there’s no such thing n anyone saying such despicable things ain’t worth the time or effort. I can’t believe that people like that exist as it’s horrible n I’d bet my life it’s because they don’t feel good about themselves so belittle other people to make themselves feel better. These people are bad to the core n should be punished for their actions. Please don’t ever think you’re too big for anything, you’re absolutely stunning from the inside to the outside n that goes for everybody on here :star_struck::heart_eyes::kissing_heart::sparkling_heart:


I’m sure there is nothing wrong with any of you’re body’s! Be it a size 10 or 26! We’re all sexy looking people :ok_hand:


My wife is a bbw, size 18-20 40HH boobs, looks great in lingerie. Big beautiful women are the best


As mentioned above, the sexiest thing is always confidence! I know easier said than done but lingerie is a big step forward in the right direction, I can say without a shadow of a doubt you will look great it something sexy regardless of size. I have been with women from a size 4 to 28 and found there was no correlation between how sexy I found them and their dress size… What is true was the sexier they felt the sexy I found them!


My OH is size 20/22 and also lacks the confidence to dress up sexily however no matter how much I tell her she looks amazing she never believes me.

We have various items from bra/knicker sets, basques, body stockings etc. and I love to see her in all of them (and out of them!)

She does tend to select the body stockings or basques etc where she can hide her mum tum.

Personally I don’t think there is a too big for lingerie as I have been with girlfriends in long term relationships who have been size 6/8 right up to 22 and I much prefer a curvier shape


Try not to feel like that, i used to sometimes and honestly buying lh lingeroe saved me in so many ways. My confidence boosted and i even had a photo shoot done in some of the stunning sets from here


My curvy wife bought a body stocking this week from LH. Awesome I must say.

You in your pics look just fine :slight_smile: