Too tall in heels?

My new-ish gent is pretty much the same height as me. Always really liked heels as part of dress up and he def likes the visual appeal of me in them, but have been shying away from wearing them with him as feel it scews the dom dynamic a bit (even on my knees!). Maybe overthinking it, anyone else find it disconcerting being submissive whilst feeling you're towering over a partner?

Personally I love tall girls and the higher the heels the better, even if they then tower over me. I think it takes more than that to alter the sub/dom dynamic, whichever way it happens to be ...

I’ve never been in that situation where I am taller because I am quite short but my ex was about 5ft 6 and in heels I was roughly around the same height as him, I think being a sub is more a state of mind than anything. I think you maybe over thinking it a bit but don’t let it discourage you :) if you enjoy wearing heels then wear them and as you said he likes you in them too :)

Maybe you should try being the Dom, as a dom you being taller than him will only add to your sense of mastery over him, You never know he might like it! My OH is only 5'2" but with her 6" killer heels, of which she has plenty of pairs, it really add to her powers! You'll be amazed how many men like to be controlled! I love it!

Not at all, that's more a confidence thing than anything else IMO. My OH is 5ft8/9ish (Can't remember exactly. I'm 6ft2. But I have no problem submitting to him whereever and whenever. It's not about the height, it's about the authority and confidence of the Dom. And it seems from your post that he is OK with it, so it would suggest to me that it's a confidence level on your side in regards to being taller than him. x