
I haven’t been active on here for a while.
So, I was wondering and extremely curious…
How many people use toys…that aren’t actual toys?
What do you like to use?
When I was younger I used to love humping a pillow…can’t say I grew out of it either :wink:


Ive tried that too. doesn’t always do it for me but sometimes i just feel in the mood for something a bit different. Having something to wrap your thighs around cant be beat though

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It’s my quick release :hot_face::flushed:

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It’s gotta be the shower head for me! :smiling_imp::shower:


I was always told to eat my vegetables…of course when left to my own devices, I found a way better use for some of them than nutrition. It probably goes without saying, but the cucumber had an amazing part in turning me into the sissy that I’ve become today even though I can’t really remember how long it’s been since I’ve had one, they are way firmer than any of my dildos…it would be kind of nostalgic for me now, maybe I’ll run to the market.


Ive tried chair arms and matress edges too in the past, they can be tricky but fun.

@Kh1985 :see_no_evil: the obvious answer. Should have thought of that one.
Can never seem to get this to work for me except as a form of tease. We obviously need a better shower


Definitely pillows but also used sofa arm and even a bean bag (worked kinda ok). Not something I do quite as much purely on its own but I do still like a grinding type position and movement even if I’m not actually grinding against something


I used to use the vibration function on a PlayStation controller. :sweat_drops:


Large stuffed animals still do it for me :sweat_smile::woman_facepalming:t3:


Funnily enough, a few days I woke up naked and horny, and just started thrusting and rubbing up and down on the edge of the duvet - it’s a case of making use of what’s available at the time :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I sometimes use my duvet but that’s pretty much it except for actual toys. My duvet is what I started out with and it brings me comfort.


I’ve used a cucumber, a banana and the neck of a wine bottle.

Ives humped many a thing, corner of mattress being my favourite. Shower head is a fave but my current shower doesn’t have the pressure to blast water :confused:


I’ve use the shower head too although it proves difficult when the little ones always want to join you when showering :laughing: only get chance when they sleep away although with covid that’s not occurred recently!
I agree with @digdog2001 definitely a case of anything that’s available at the time :shushing_face::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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I’ve made my own pocket pussy once or twice :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

This is a little unorthodox but so am I :smile:

I often use a tiny artist’s style paint brush tip gently grazing across the surface of my bare clit, it’s absolutely breathtaking - literally. You’d be surprised that a tiny soft brush tip like this could feel so intense and almost overwhelming, I’m an obsessive of edging and sensitivity play so this really sends me wild. I actually found this idea from porn videos of a girl (akari1089) I quite often watch and it’s now become one of my favourite ways of edging and making myself cum while having my clit clamped beforehand. There really is no other feeling quite like it. :drooling_face:


I’ve used a vibrating rollmat to turn me on, and also my own pocket pussy out of 2 latex holes and some water.

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I am surprise that how many women pleasure themselves I thought it was just men and porn women, do you ladies do it for your partners as well if you don’t mind me asking?

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Hmmm, just toys really. My OH introduced me to toys and her toy box which we have expanded. Although food play… Technically food isn’t a toy :wink::wink:

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I have done a few times however find that I become embarrassed infront of my hubby. Not sure why but just do. I don’t like the attention :laughing: