Unexpected sexy bits on bodies and specific bits we love

Wizzie86 wrote:

I've got those too! I'll tell you one area that I really love - the lovely sensitive area at the bottom of stomach on the inside of the hip bone. I can't stop kissing it - yummy x

I love being on the receiving end of that. Although the kisser has to beware of eye pokey thing after a few kisses there!

Lol @ WandA. It just feels so good! Giving and receiving. I like listening to the moaning sounds x

Im on my girlfriend i find the shape of the neck extremely sexy!! I love sweeping her hair to one side just to see the curve. Another one is the arch of the back- I can't keep my hands off it.. plus she has the sofest skin which just makes its impossible not to stroke. Im also a big fan of wrists.. More so when you leave it flat and relaxed.. just so the vein pops out abit! Another one is the defination in her legs -she played softball alot as a teenager and has the most incredibly strong legs and thighs (i call her bionicle legs heh).. All the different shapes and feeling in the firmness make it so sexy for me :)

Nexas wrote:

Tigerlilies wrote:

Venus Dimples rule too

(those little dips just above the bottom. Not to be found on everyone)

I like these as well!

I strangely find freckles to be quite attractive ^_^' Dunno if those count LOL

I love freckles too - mine are just starting to come out 'cause of the sun!


Nexas wrote:

See, I don't have freckles, but have always found them attractive. Oddly, most girls I know with freckles attempt to hide them :-\

Nah I love mine - the cover my nose and cheeks in the summer adding to my "innocent" look :P I have a big patch of pigmentation on my arm too - I like it - I like imperfections though!


i call those sexy hip lines superman lines....dunno why lol

i love dimples, especially on butt cheeks hahaha my OH has little dimples on his bum, lovely :) tbh i just love his bum though lol its lush

I have a facination with my partners hairy bum....... reminds me of a hairy peach and i just want to bite into the juicy flesh... yummm. i also LOVE his tummy, he doesnt believe me but when he raises his arms and I catch a glimse of it I just have to grope it and kiss it. Love the hair round his belly button too and the fact that he always have belly button fluff lol.... is cute to me.

I love my OH's six pack and her ripped biceps. Her strong jawline and powerful forearms. . . . .
I think there's something she's not telling me! :-)

i have a thing for beards and stubble. just the ascociated feeling of the sensations of stubble across my skin.

sweetlove666 wrote:

i have a thing for beards and stubble. just the ascociated feeling of the sensations of stubble across my skin.

Oh don't say that - you'll only encourage WandA!

He refuses to shave more often than once every 2 weeks :( :P


Hmmm, have been thinking bout this but its so hard to pinpoint....

I love shaved heads, like a No2ish all over, I love just stroking the back of the head, the feel of it on my fingers is fab...

I love his rock hard thighs and the fact that even tho I'm no size 8 he is able to lift and hold me in his arms and have frantic standing sex...

And not really a body part as such, but I adore his Scottish accent, when he talks to me on the phone I just melt, and when he gets in full on down and dirty mode, OH MY GOD, is all I can say... That's not to say that he doesn't get me going when he's here, but something bout him on the phone....

The small of his back, with that gorgeous delicate curve of smooth skin thats accentuated when he lies on his front.

God I love that bit!

Also i adore his little beer gut and and general squishy bits. Oh who am i kidding, i love ALL his bits!!!! :-D

Kitty_McPlunder wrote:

Also i adore his little beer gut and and general squishy bits. Oh who am i kidding, i love ALL his bits!!!! :-D

i adore my OH's little beer gut and squishy bits lol hes just perfect for me, hes all snuggly :)

It's so funny how one person's turn on can be another's turn-off! I find those sex lines (I actually call them fight club hips) quite disturbing. I can't quite put my finger on why but looking at them makes me feel a bit funny....like looking at someone poking their eyeball ....it's very odd!

I love my OH's lips, they're beautiful and they get all sexy and swollen after lots of kissing or oral. Just thinking about them makes me super horny!

I love his coccyx...feels AMAZING to rub on!

I love the way he looks when he firsts gets up and he's all bleary eyed with crazy hair...he just looks so pounceable!

I love that he's bigger and stronger than I am...it makes me feel totally enveloped and safe when I'm wrapped up in his arms and pressed tight against his body.


I love the crease between his gorgeous bum & his luscious legs - and the way he squirms when I kiss it!