Unwanted forum powers

Don’t mind in the slightest.

Love this :clap:

Most of my sub 5 minute edits on my own posts are for SPAG corrections… there’re always a lot of errors to correct :woman_facepalming:t2:


The people’s apostrophe police, I salute you

the majority of my posts are edited :slight_smile:

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This is from the Regular Badge description, just as a reminder to people of what the differences are: :+1:

This badge is granted when you reach trust level 3. Thanks for being a regular part of our community over a period of months. You’re now one of the most active readers, and a reliable contributor that makes our community great. You can now create wiki posts, recategorize and rename topics, more powerful spam flags, and you’ll also get lots more likes per day.

Fly under the radar - I’m still a Level 2 :slight_smile:

I can totally relate to this. I’ve been a forum mod and I never slept. No other mods were around at night, so was constantly on high alert and on the lookout for trolls and new people joining and approving photos. Then during the day I’d still be awake with the same FOMO.
Think I’ll manage to ignore it on here, thankfully as I’m not on as often so think it will take time to even get to L3.


@PleasureDrone I’ve popped you back down to a TL2 and I think I have locked it so you won’t need to worry about accidentally triggering it again :slight_smile:


Thank you, Brenna - that’s a huge relief! :relieved: