vibrator size confusion

Hello :)

I decided that it was time for a vibrator upgrade, at the moment I have a LoveHoney jessica rabbit slimline ( which has been great over the years but I wanted something a little bigger and maybe with more vibration patterns. So I got the Rabbit Thruster 7 ( The slimline says it is 4 inches circumference and the thruster says it is 5 inches but the thruster felt very big and uncomfortable (also the rabbit ears didnt reach when using the shaft which was frustrating). Problem is alot of the other rabbit vibes say the are about 5 or 5.5 but they dont seem to look that big as the thruster in the photos (even the photos when they are being held so you can see the comparative size) and the extra girth one is only 5.25 circumference ( so how come it appears that the "extra girth vibe is thicker than the "normal" sized ones? And how come the thruster seems bigger in comparison the the others in the site yet should be smaller?

I am so confused, I just wanted one that was a little bigger but they all now appear to be too wide for me. Im at a loss :(

Also how can we tell if a silicone vibe is real silicone or not (since real silicone shouldnt melt but a lot of posts on the forum says their ones have melted through contact)

Sorry its a long confusing post, thanks for any help :)

Hm, I remember when I was looking for my first vibrator and getting really into the figures. To be honest I'm unsure of why there appears to be a big difference from the thruster to the slimline one when such a small number comparison is noted. I tend to look at the diameters for easier figures.

The stats on the Thurster vibe may be wrong. If you compare the size of the slimline jessica rabbit and the normal one you can see a clear difference. This is also backed up by the video to the slimline one where they are shown side by side.

Generally when buying an internal toy I'd take into account the flexibility of the toy itself. I have usually bought slimline versions or toys that I know are really flexible so it's easier to use. For rabbits in particular it really is a case of trial and error. They're not always going to have the rabbit placed where you want it etc. That's why I prefer separated toys for external clitoral stimulation.

As for slicone- With some toys they only state whether they are silicone or not but their real make-up may not be established (eg a mix of silicone). It's best to always keep them apart really though. Always use a good lube!

Looking through the range I'd probably suggest these-

Have you tried using a normal vibe with a separate toy for clitoral stimulation? I bought this as my step up vibe from the usual slimline ones- and yes, it's quite girthy at the bottom but it's so satisfying and easy to use. The tip is narrow so it's easier to penetrate with- The vibes are very strong too. Here's the cheap but very powerful love egg- Beginners Basic Wickedly Powerful Orgasmic Love Egg OR the cheap lovehoney rocket-

Hope that helps.

Thank you Nymeria, that was really helpful, you know your stuff!

I sent LoveHoney an email asking them to check the stats for the thruster just in case. Thanks for those recommendations as well, I did think about using a normal vibe as well as a seperate toy but Im gonna have trouble decided what to go for now I think!

Thank you again for your help :)

You're welcome!

I find that once I started looking at normal vibes etc there was more to experiment with! The rabbits are pretty standard with their vibrations and the bulkiness of it can be a mood killer. Take into account the shape, material/flexibility as well as the size. Also, you can get an idea of how powerful a toy is by what batteries it takes. For example- the ones that take LR44 etc are powerful at first but short life. AA's are better than AAA's etc, also take into account how many are required.

The Lelo Mia is one of the best external clitoral toys ever as it can get very powerful with different patterns. It's a luxury toy but isn't too expensive AND it looks just like a flash drive as it recharges via USB. Highly recommended. If you have the funds, invest in one now. =)

Also, if you're in the mood to experiment further try looking at the glass toys options. They have a wonderful massaging feel and you can do temperature play. These tend to be slimmer but are rigid so take into account what shape you prefer. Enjoy looking.