Wand recommendations

So I’m looking to buy a new wand, currently have a rechargeable one. My question is what’s the most powerful mains powered or rechargeable? What would you recommend.

We had a mains powered one before our rechargeable one (only replaced it as the cable broke after several years).

Never compared them side by side but can’t say we noticed a drop in power with the rechargeable one.

The advantage of the mains powered is that it won’t run out of battery but then you have to be (relatively) near a plug socket and have cables all over the place.

Personally prefer the cordless. At least if you have a power cut you can still use it :rofl:

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Rechargeable, can be used in settings where mains power isn’t always readily available. :wink:

Gives the freedom to let your sexual activities wand-er. :heart:

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In my opinion, the most powerful wands are the Doxys. They all have the same power but where the 3 and the 3R are smaller, they deliver it a little differently and I don’t think they are quite as rumbly (although they aren’t what I would call buzzy either).

In terms of recommendations beyond that, it depend on what you want and need from the wand and your budget. For many people, mains powered wands (and some rechargeable) have power to spare and they don’t use the top settings so power isn’t always the most important feature.

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The mains powered Lovehoney one has a pretty decent length lead, used it at home and away and luckily never been too far from a socket.

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We only have mains powered, a Lovehoney one and a doxy. We have modded both with longer cables so we can use them anywhere in the bedroom.

As @Calie stated the doxy is the most powerful but the steps between power bands are large and the highest settings aren’t very rumbly. We prefer the dial on the Lovehoney wand for smooth increases.

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