Wanderful Reviewers - Review this secret toy!

Consider me interested!

My oh would love to test this

Oh yes please, we love a good wand

Hi Brenna ,

We would love to test and review the

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable


Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna would love to give this whirl and test

I can get this done no problem at all!!

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Hi Brenna

We’d love to test and review this for you

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Perfect timing to test on holiday.

Thanks x

Hey Brenna,

After this week, this could come in rather useful :sweat_smile:

Chloe x

Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna would seriously love to be considered for this one
Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Thats got my interest :smiley: happy to test for you .
Can keep a secret and time not an issue

Would love to try Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator

Good luck all

Thanks Brenna!


Would love to give this a try please!

Oh hello :eyes:

I’d love to test and review please!

Thank you :smiling_face:

I would love to be considered to be a tester for this toy. Thanks x

Oh we would love to road test the: Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

The wand we have has never left our bedside since we recieved that as a tester :heart_eyes: (have since bought two more that have been left in the toy box :joy:) surely extra powerful would need sound proofing of said room and a certain amount of waterproof sheets :joy:

Would love to review this one! My partner and I both use a Doxy so have a bit of multi-modal experience!

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Hey! Absolutely down for this Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Usual deadline all good :grin:

Have a great weekend everyone!

Afternoon Brenna,

We would be more than happy to test and review this item.

Thank you

Hi Brenna,

This would be amazing as the wife’s plug in one just died (she has used it a lot :rofl:)
Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Many thanks

As a owner of a wand, would love to give this a try and report back. Thank you.