Wanderful Reviewers - Review this secret toy!

Hey All,

I have a super-secret item that is in need of reviews! Normal One Month deadline for this one.


Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

If this sounds like something you would like to review, then comment down below!

Status: :lovehoney_heart: Secret Deadline: :green_heart: One Month

Some points to remember:

  • Make sure you have live reviews - You will not be picked otherwise.
  • These items are Secret Testers - Do not post about them anywhere inc the forum until they are potentially live.
  • Make sure your address is up to date - We can only send to what you have listed in your account.
  • Ensure you can review the item in the time frame required - If you think it is not possible please do not put your name forward. Also please make sure you can test the item selected.

For more detailed info check out the The Great Big Review and Testing Guide


Would love to try this if its available in Australia

Hi Brenna,

Yes please I would love to test and review in time

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Thank you xx

Wow - extra powerful! That sounds right up our street. We would love to review this please Brenna.

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Oooh extra powerful. Very happy to give this a whirl and see how it compares to a Doxy :smiley:

Hi Brenna…
This is right up our alleyway…we alway want another level in our wand so would be grateful of the opportunity to test this to submission…

Hi Brenna

Happy to test and review the product

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Hi Brenna, I’d be interested in giving it a whirl!
Many thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi. Would love to test this item:

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator


Hi @Lovehoney_Brenna

We would love to test this wand.

Thanks :grin:

Sounds incredible… would love for this item to be our first testing opportunity!

Hi Brenna, yes we’d love to try this. Thanks for the opportunity :slight_smile:

Hi, we’d love to help review this.

Hi Brenna I would love the opportunity to test this wand. I have a fairly basic wand, so would be great to compare the power of this one.

Deadline no issue at all.

Would be happy to give this a whirl! :grin:

Yes please Brenna.
This would be amazing



Would love to review this for you:

Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

Thank you xx

We would love to try this please Brenda.

Hey @Lovehoney_Brenna,

We’d love to test the Extra Powerful Multispeed Wand Vibrator – Silicone & ABS Plastic/Rechargeable

It sounds awesome - and also might be good for my sore back too!

Thanks as always for the opportunity

I’d love to test this, my wand is dying & im a power girl! :sweat_drops: :muscle:t3: :smiling_imp: