Wanting to start a blog and/or vlog for toy reviews

Title says it all, really. I've been thinking about making a toy review blog and/or youtube vlog for a while. I'll get no monetisation on youtube because of the subject matter (which is fine), but I know many people would rather watch a quick, informative video than read a wall of text (me included). Or maybe having vlogs would be too much work and a blog is fine by itself? I don't know.

I find reviews so helpful and it gives me a better idea on what I'll be getting (especially for more expensive purchases...) I suppose I just want to give that back to other customers. Some toys deserve praise, some do not and I want the world to know, lol.

I like doing reviews on LH but I want that to grow and expand into something more.

Has anyone had any experience/success with a blog or vlog they've made. I have looked over some guides but I'd like more suggestions from different people. What advice would you give to someone looking to start and what should and shouldn't I do? Any suggestions for domains or sites I can use for my blog side?

Thank you.

Be original. Sex toys or sex subjects, they have been covered over a thousand times and then some. Like starting up a subject on why you like Ice cream.

You can try of course, just that most topics have already been covered.

All the best thgough.

You need to have an infectious personality to even make people stick around for more than 30 seconds on something that *isn't* generic, because getting people hooked on content is so, so hard. Think of how many content creators are out there. Think of how many you watch that aren't already popular. Not to sound discouraging but a lot of my work involves this kinda stuff and it really is not even close to as easy as a lot of people think it is. Even getting 50 people to watch something nowadays is not easy.

It's not something I know a lot about, but there's a blog thread that you might find interesting. 👍


Alicia4Ever wrote:

As this link is not to a competitor site it should be ok to post. https://heyepiphora.com/2013/02/epiphoras-beginners-guide-to-sex-toy-reviewing-and-blogging/#carving

Love this blog. Her clit has similar tastes to mine so many of the items I've bought from Lovehoney have been her recs and they've always been spot on for me.

As I won't buy from other sites any more (a bad experience several years ago combined with hearing my friend complaining about other sites then the spectacular offers here), I'm always gutted to see something I'd love on her recs that Lovehoney doesn't stock.

My friend has no such qualms and will buy from Amazon, eBay, dodgy sites as well as that famous high street shop so when she plonks her latest purchase in front of me on her kitchen table and it's one of epi's faves I turn green with envy - though I'm usually relieved when she gets a problem with a toy and then gets shitty or a complete lack of CS - and I really don't mean that in a nasty way.

Wonder if anyone from Lovehoney will read this, take a look and start stocking some of her stuff? (Yep, a dirty great big hint there ![](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif))

@DanceswithPenguins - I agree. It would be like another make-up guru or gamer channel/blog. However, I don't think the sex toy review category isn't a big one for vlogs as most people don't want to make videos and stick with blogs. I'm planning to have both. I won't be having other side topics, just reviews. I like to keep things simple, hehe.

@MK7 - I understand. I have looked at other vlogs/blogs - some are interesting and some are not so much. It all depends, really. I suppose I just want to make what I want to see in a review. The reason I watch them is to make an informed decision to buy a product or not and there's some great products I've used but they have hardly anything out there to go on.

@Ian Chimp - Thank you! I'll be sure to take a look.

@Alicia4Ever - Thank you. I think I've already looked at this blog but it's always handy to read over again :)

@ VR - I feel you! Lovehoney is great but it doesn't really cater to some of my personal tastes. For one, I only like non-realistic toys and I think I've bought most of them on here. Now it looks like there is even less for me to choose from as it's more "normal" toys and the "weird" ones have been discontinued? It just forces me to look elsewhere. If Lovehoney stocked them, I would buy them. I also shop around and it can be hit or miss. When I first started using toys, I only shopped here on LH. I didn't know what I liked so I tried everything which narrowed my interests down to certain types of toys which LH have a limited stock of or don't stock at all :(