Wedding night!

swingcouple wrote:

We had been a pair for a couple of years, and had been swinging since we met, but we both think our wedding night sex was probably our best sexual experience. We put a camera on a tripod and videoed our first married sex - not the first time we'd done that either, but it's certainly our hottest home movie!

Our hottest weekend was when she came off the pill to start a family, laughably she fell pregnant that weekend (I was home from Germany) so we only ever had one weekend of it. Very emotional though.

Our wedding night wasn't the passionate mindblowing romance of two lovers celebrating spending the rest of their lives together, I was totally drunk and quote groaning like a porn star when my new wife pushed me off her and told me to shut up and go to sleep! before that however we had tried to put her navel piercing back in as it would have showed through her dress and looked a little odd in pictures, anyone in the ajoining rooms or the corridors that evening would have been treated to an exchange somthing along the lines of:

Careful, don't force it - ow

Well its only been out one day it should go back in

Get off let me do it I know which angle to put it in

I think its starting to heel over!

Would some lube help

That said once we got on our honeymoon and really began to chill out the newley married sex was some of the best we have had, and to think that was 11 years ago this weekend.

The best advice is just to try relax! It's a very tiring day, no matter what time the service is it. We managed to get to the hotel room and manage sex while Sara was still in her dress before we were fast asleep. Great fun though.

First time round, we spent our wedding night in a hotel but we had to get up at about 3:00am to go to Scotland for our honeymoon, so that wasn't our best night for sex.

Second time round, we had the wedding receoption at a local pub, friends there and a lovely day was had by all. We did have some super sex then, but I honestly can't remember whether it was on the wedding night or the night before. Or the night after ...

Since then, I've started playing in a band that mostly does weddings. I don't rthink many of the couples I've seen get spliced in the last couple of years were in any state to have have a thrilling shag on their wedding night, though I've seen quite afew guests sneak off with other guests and you can only wonder where they're off to!

I'm dead excited for the day in general (minus the MIL interferance!) I don't think I'd be drunk as much as I expec too, and OH seems to find reasons not too or drinks less and milder drinks. Last time he was anything close to getting drunk was the night he proposed - and that was so he didn't chicken out through fear of me saying no!

Time will tell how things turn out :P

We've been together 6 years, 7 by the time we're married.

Everyone makes a big deal out of me being 'thoughtful' and 'committed' to him as he has/had Chrons disease, and had the entirety of his large intestine plus a little of his small removed. He's got the bag for life, and because I put up with it I'm so 'noble'. I just liked him intially, so getting him gets everything with him...

Well although we'd only met 10 months before we married and we're both christains when we met (and still are) so very much excited about our first time, we didn't actually have sex on our wedding night.

It had been a long day with a formal dinner reception, followed by and evening reception and disco so we didn't get to our hotel untill about 11.30pm we were so tired we just fell to sleep.

Our honeymoon was on the isle of Arran scotland the folllowing day and I had to drive us there as my husband didnt drive then. Ferry tickets and honeymoon had been booked by my OH and in order to catch the ferry on time we had to leave our hotel at 8.00am the following day. So I couldn't drink at our wedding as I was the driver, and need my sleep for a 6 and a half hour drive to our honeymoon destination.

Our first married sex was a Quickie in the shower the morning after at the hotel, but a week in our honeymoon cottage for the rest of the week more than made up for it.

We didn't have sex on our wedding night, I think that's what everyone thinks you're supposed to do, but that's a very outdated tradition, mainly for people who are virgins before they were married, and lets face it, it's very rare now!

After out wedding I was so tired, I didn't drink much thinking about the sex and not wanting to be wrecked! We got to our room at 1am, I took my dress and shoes off, which was such a relief because being in a dress all day is bloody hard work! It was perfect to snuggle up in bed and read our wedding cards. Then we fell asleep from exhaustion. We obviously made up for it, but I don't regret not doing it. It was nice to not follow the norm and just do what made us feel best. It was perfect!