Welcome to the new forum - Lets chat!

This is going to take a lot of getting used too! I do like how clean and fresh it looks. I’m also looking forward to choosing a new profile picture :relaxed:

@fizzy what’s wrong with the current profile looks fine to me hun :kiss:

Just realised you can see when someone is typing a reply to a thread! This is actually very helpful when lots of people are playing the word games, will stop me hitting send at the same time as someone else!

Its the small things!


That’s one of the best things on here @TheSmiffs ! As someone who indulges in the games it stops simultaneous posting and then having to edit!


Genuinely made me happy! I used to get flustered with having to edit!

I know you’ve tagged this as a @Lovehoney_Brenna question, but I was having a bit of a think about this and now the search function is so sharp (and all posts are public) then anything you write about in any of your forum posts is findable and readable. So, unless you plan on never talking on the forums proper about the thing you want to keep private (I obviously don’t know what it is, so it may be possible?), then people could just use the search function to find out all about you (if they so desired :slightly_smiling_face:).

And, alternatively, if you were to never mention it on the boards then you might want to wonder if it’s worth popping in your profile?

Does that make sense?

I get what you’re saying @Ian_Chimp , I got in trouble before (with my other half) for talking about life outside Lovehoney too much on here, nothing specific but just hobbies, music festivals I’ve been to, stuff like that. He thought I was giving too much away about myself and that if someone recognised me from what I was saying, that they could then read through my reviews (which I hope are frank and helpful to potential purchasers) and know too much information about our private life.

I like the idea of having a more personal background picture, currently pretty sunrise over fields where I work, but obviously would be identifiable to anyone who knows the place and I like the idea of saying a bit more about who I am and what I do outside of the bedroom on my profile so established people here know a bit more about me.

Basically, I think the problem is mine and I should remember the forum is not social media however nice the people are! :rofl:

For now, I will keep my profile private and stick to advice (giving and receiving as people are very helpful) and games :+1:t2:.

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I put that up after I wrote it​:relaxed: it’s an old Twitter pic

@fizzy it still looks good to me hun :ok_hand:

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Hello, just noticed all the changes.

Hmmm can’t say I’m a fan of this new forum set up to be honest.

Looks great lots to learn here and lots of new friends to meet

Was initial put off by the forum, I think it must be a change thing. I know its still early day but starting to feel a little more comfortable around it now. I love how clean and crisp it looks.

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@Lovehoney_Brenna Do you want us to rip into the Welcome Thread, etc yet for typos and such? Or are they place holders until you find a bit of free time?

I too was initially very apprehensive about it but I’m loving it now :smile:


I know what you mean. :slightly_smiling_face: I often feel like I might make myself more identifiable if I share certain anecdotes about my non-Lovehoney life (and I’ve then decided not to include them ‘just in case’) :slightly_smiling_face:.

I think the profiles were all Public in the last place, so I treated my About Me blurb like any other forum post. A few of my friends know my Username, and I’m relatively open about it with acquaintances too, but I know everyone might not be as comfortable with that (especially if you have a partner’s concerns to consider as well).

I think the site works well either way (public/private profile), so it’s definitely down to personal choice. And they may even come up with a smoother way of linking to people’s reviews later, so regular-Joes can have a browse through them all without having to crack a secret code. :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:


One thing I am struggling with is how to get onto the tester page. On the previous site the link was at the top of the main page but it isn’t there now and I can’t figure out how to get there!! Not sure if I’m being silly or not looking hard enough but I just can’t seem to find it sorry! :((( Any help would be absolutely awesome! :))


@TDR ,I only found this in a roundabout way so if there’s an easier way I love to hear about it! Click on the blue ‘Go shopping’ bit at the top of the page,it takes you back onto the site, then scroll right down to the bottom where it says’ Sex Toy Reviews’ click that and then there’s a little link in the first paragraph that says become a ’ Sex Toy Tester’,click that and you’re in.
Oh will you need to sign in on there as well as on here . :slightly_smiling_face:
Right ignore the first bit, you get to that by going into your profile and scrolling down to the bottom of your reviews page…think I’ll stop adding to the confusion now in the hope that someone who knows what they’re talking about steps in to help :confused:

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Not too sure about the new forum, to get to the last reply on post is a bit of a faff and also unless I’m missing it there’s no button to get to the main menu from a post, have to use back button on your own phone. Also my profile picture was missing and it’s difficult to work out how to replace it! And after years on the forum with hundreds of post and replies I’m Basic!!

You’ll pick it up. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

I use the floating Lovehoney logo/name in the top left as the Home shortcut (on Android).

There are a few topics you might find useful if you’re just starting out: (and if it’s your very First Day you may hit some extra limits. But they disappear after 24 hours :+1:)

Discobot Tutorials

Reviews in New Profile


Helpful Tips 2.0

Trust Levels

Good luck. :crossed_fingers::slightly_smiling_face:

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Ah thanks for that help @Alicia4Ever

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