What cheered me up recently

That doesn’t sound cheesy at all @WillC I love coming on here too. One of the things that cheers me up is looking through the memes :joy:
Fingers crossed for your OH and her treatment :crossed_fingers:

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Good news @WillC…hope it’s soon

Hiya to you too…:wave:


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@wildflower you are one of the reasons i like it here, our musical taste is so similar!
Thanks, it’s been a frustrating few months with inferior treatment as a stop gap. She puts on a brave face, but i know it’s bad for her.

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Thanks my friend! :slightly_smiling_face:

We have a rant thread, so only seems right if we have a positive thread. I wanted to make a topic where we can share our positivity and feelings with one another during these uncertain times!

So, what has happened that’s made you happy? Have you had good news? Has someone made your day? Compliments? New toy? Anything that is positive I wanna hear it! :ear:

(Not sure if we had a topic like this already!)


Seems a good idea @Rae1 to resurrect this thread, especially with everything going on.

My best friend has been accepted into university for next year which is amazing, she’s been doubting whether she could go at all for years due to her dodgy results (she recieved her brain damage at a very bad time regarding learning and exams) and other issues so her getting unconditional offers is wonderful. I’m really proud of her :blush:


Love this idea @Rae1 :clap:t2:

So pleased for your friend @Ace12345 - I’m sure all your support will have contributed to it too so make sure you give yourself some love as well!

One of my house plants is actually doing very well for once, and I have managed to revive another one from the house plant grave and so this has made me very happy today! :seedling:


Just coming home from work to the usual lovely welcome from my dog, cheered me up today! :slight_smile:


After a long boring day I’m going to enjoy a nice chicken dinner! My day is lifted!


The sun through my woolly tights meandering by the Avon in Stratford


My daughter getting into Count Duckula and Garfield on YouTube, just lovely to be able to share some cross-generational cartoons with her. Simple pleasures and all that.


It was beautiful


Oh i used to love count Duckula so much when i was younger. That and dangermouse (my gran had recordings i think from when my dad was little)


Broadening my mind

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I know I have said before that Mr John is a man of few words. I sometimes have moments where I need reassuring that he finds me attractive (no reason to doubt it - it’s just me). However if I have ever mentioned it, it seems to backfire as then I tell myself he has only said things because I have asked him to (poor man cant win). Anyway, this morning I leaned over him in bed to reach the remote to open the blinds. I was naked and my breasts past near his face. He made a hmmm noise and then said “you are just so sexy”. I know I’m odd but it has totally lifted my mood today. I made everyone breakfast, cleaned through the house, sorted the greenhouse and helped the teen upload school work. I’m on fire :face_with_hand_over_mouth::joy: Happy Sunday all x


That’s lovely! @Mrs.John it’s little things like that , that really make your day! :grin:

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It’s us men, we think our OH’s are sexy as hell, we just don’t say it often enough! Although, if we do say it, we often get accused of being guilty of something, or after something! :wink:


Thanks @WillC and @wildflower . I think the worse bit is that he was really quite verbal about how wonderful he thought I was in the early days of our relationship and I reacted quite negatively. Embarrassed or just not used to being treated well by a man I suppose. But I am definitely showing him (and telling him) I appreciate him telling me these things now.


I’ve been there @Mrs.John in fact I still find it hard to take a compliment :slightly_smiling_face:


I must admit the negative reactions do put me off. I pay a compliment, she says i’m old/overweight etc etc. I reply you’re my age and curvaceous and perfect. But she’s reacts as if she’s not convinced. So frustrating!