What did you dream about last night?

Terri JJ wrote:

I have a reoccurring nightmare where I'm being chased down the high street by a giant 10 feet (approx) runner bean with arms and legs and the most hideous face. All my friends are inside Woolworths but they've locked the doors and won't let me in. I wake up every time just as the bean is about to grab me !! I've had this dream since I was a little girl - probably around twice a month. God knows what it means . . .

All the other posters dreams seem to have the potential to come true, but this one is far beyond the realms of probability. Woolworths closed years ago.

Last night I dreamt I was in Finding Nemo and we went on this really cool adventure and got to ride the EAC with the turtles! So fun haha

Never know wrote:

Last night I dreamt I was in Finding Nemo and we went on this really cool adventure and got to ride the EAC with the turtles! So fun haha

Ah man! That sounds like a great dream!

I can't remember my dream exactly last night, but I remember little fragments and I think it must have been a nightmare of some kind because I was freaking out and crying a lot, but nobody else in the dream even noticed haha!

I want to go back to protesting with Dave Grohl, that was much more fun!

Boogaloo wrote:

Never know wrote:

Last night I dreamt I was in Finding Nemo and we went on this really cool adventure and got to ride the EAC with the turtles! So fun haha

Ah man! That sounds like a great dream!

I can't remember my dream exactly last night, but I remember little fragments and I think it must have been a nightmare of some kind because I was freaking out and crying a lot, but nobody else in the dream even noticed haha!

I want to go back to protesting with Dave Grohl, that was much more fun!

It was pretty sweeeeeet. I woke up feeling the need to go surfing!

Aww bless, there's always tonight :)

I had a seriously messed up dream last night! I think I've been reading too much of 'The Initiation of Ms Holly' because I've had a couple of these lately!

From what I remember, I was going to the doctors to get a blood test. Instead, they locked me in a room in the basement with some random guy, and no food or water, and I had to fight off his advances constantly. Then when my appointment time came, the doctor lead me to another room which had a small swimming pool in and said he wouldn't treat me until I'd been in the pool. But before I went in, all these people got in and had sex in it and ejaculated in it, then I was made to get in and swim around! Luckily I woke up at that point though!

Eeuuurgfhhh what's wrong with my brain, I think I need psychological help! 😱 Do you ever wake up from a dream and feel disgusted or horrified with yourself for dreaming it? Haha!

More than I'd care to admit.

I don't know what I dreamt last night but I do remember humping the wife's leg like a dog for most of it.

First it was being homeless when I leave college bear in mind I was at college 25 years ago, family involved that is a recurring nightmare anythings mg to do with them. Then a plague hit london touch contact you died then my purse went missing.

Had a lovely dream my bf treated me to a hotel break n we spent perfect quality time together.... massages n shower together ... definitely steamysex too....

Might b because he was teasing me b4 bed with texts -_-

I dreamt I was back at school and made to go on a cross country run wearing a hockey kit ( hate hockey and cross country runs ! ) I got lost and couldn't find my way back to the school, the next thing I knew was being arrested and taken to a police station where I was questioned about a robbery that happened in Scotland.Then my mum turned up and had a go at me for going out and leaving all the windows open !

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I had an anxiety dream so severe the night before last, that in it I was losing my hair AND my teeth.

Thanks, subconscious.

I dreampt that my new man was staying over, while my boys are here, and we had a fab evening playing board games, and in the morning, we went to collect his kids, and we all went on the best camping adventure in the New Forest.

naughty mum wrote:

I dreampt that my new man was staying over, while my boys are here, and we had a fab evening playing board games, and in the morning, we went to collect his kids, and we all went on the best camping adventure in the New Forest.

Hope this one will be reality all too soon!

The night before last I had my recurring teacher dream/ nightmare of being in a new school. No one shows me round, gives me a timetable, tells me where anything is so I spend all day trying to find the right classes in this labyrinth of a building. I have had the same dream, more or less, 5 or 6 times but the latest version had moved on a bit and I hadn't prepared my classes for their exams- hardly surprising as I had never actually found them!!

In the old days this was a stress dream but now I don't even teach in schools so goodness knows what it is telling me!

my ex :(

I had a dream last night that Lovehoneys new lingerie was a beautiful lace chemise in the lovely blue colour of their new flirty knickers! It was so beautiful!

I dreamt last night that I posted a really detailed fan fiction erotica story on the Lovehoney forums (I'm not even into fan fiction?!), but I accidentally used my real name! Then someone on here thought it was funny and shared it all over social media, so it started circulating around the whole world with my real name attached to it and I was pleading with Lovehoney to change my username so nobody would find out it was me, but it was too late...

In the dream it was like a massive deal, but in reality... Hey it's just a sex story :p I think I would be more worried about people knowing who I am than people knowing I wrote erotic fiction.

A few night ago I dreampt I was talking to my wife's farther about the birth of my daughters baby he even said the name of the baby which I don't know yet

The wife's farther has been dead 6 years but it was so real

I'm not going to tell anyone the name he said just to see if its right

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I had a weird dream. I went to the industrial estate to go shopping, but couldnt find a bus stop so i couldnt get home. Everyone i asked pointed me in the right direction but i ended up walking miles each time. Eventually i was so worn out that i crawled up to a bus (they took pity on me and let me crawl straight on). It wasnt going in my direction but i was just pleased to be on a bus.

once the bus started moving i looked through my bag and it was full of fisting dildos! Literally loads of those hand shaped ones. No idea why as they dont interest me at all! In the end i had to try and sneak off the bus because i had no money, just dildos.

I had a dream about my ex too.....we had amazing sex so I woke up really horny......& wishing he wasn't such a bell end so I could have rang him to come & finish the job 😂

i had a dream about a woman giving another woman a golden shower infront of me... I woke up really horny. Slightly strange as ive never much been interested in the hole golden shower thing but wow i turned on!