What do u think of when sucking a cock?

I think I just got put off icepops for life...Cummypops are not my idea of tasty....I guess we are all just different and have different tastes (pun intended!)

It generally depends what mood im in, weither i can be bothered to do it or if im really wanting to.

Most days my bf gets one, just for the pure simple fact i know he loves them, and the diffrent techneques i use he never knows what to expect...Sometimes i let him cum, sometimes i like to let him beg for more.

But Generally what goes through my head is, what im going to do next when we are in the bed room, working out how far away he is from cuming and where im going to let him put it. I also seem to think it depends on the position your are giving it to him in, as it can vary your attitude and way of techneque...

Hygiene jeez! I would never suck a cheesy cock..even tho im told cheese and pork go nicely together! I think if the dude cant be bothered to get a wash before then he can suck his own!

I'm glad to hear the new guy is cleaner External Media

Not just cleaner... he is Yummy with a capital Yum. Could suck him all day long, but I wouldn't want him to get spoiled!

I don't think cum would be on my fave list of things to swallow (although it's a lot better than oysters).

I enjoy it, if it's the right person. I wouldn't just swallow anyones. Ugh!, Gross.

Hiya, as for tips, BBG's or otherwise, aint this a case of you having to be there? Not like the NHS where one size often is expected to fit all, so to speak, but laways down to individual nuances and preferences. Sucking a guy off while hunting for his prostate will trip the light fantastic with one and land you in the local casualty unit at Accident and Emergency with another. I suspect the lack of answer is therefore acknowledgement of that fact.

How about a blindfold, let your mind run riot, and swallow down the copious libation you have encouraged to completion !!!...... and then stick your finder up his ass!!!!! ha ha ha


i personally love to swallow my boyfriends cum. its part of the enjoyment knowing how much pleasure i have given him! ok its not strawberry ice cream flavour but it doesnt taste bad, plus more protein than a pork chop!

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i love to suck cock, i love to do a real deep throat, and make lots of mmmm noises and lovely slurping noises.

I prefer not to be licked at the same time as i like to concentrate on what i am doin but having said that nothin beats doin a blowjob with a big nine inch dildo vibrating inside. Heaven

so to answer the question only think about what i am doin and how much i love it

Sounds fabbie sexelle !!


sexelle, if your OH ever needs a couple of weeks rest, tell him I am prepared to travel all that way to be a stand in.

I concentrate on pleasing my hubby

You guys are so nice, i dont like to blow my own trumpet! but i have been complimented on my technique before lol x

It's the way you tell it sexelle. You tell it like it is. That does more for me than most of the erotic books I have read.

gosh Walrus that was just a short version, could waffle on for hours about it x x

Anyone in touch with mybadx ?? she seemed game for this!


Usually, im thinking of how much i love pleasing him or what im gonna do next. I dont do it very often so its a special treat when he does get it. Sometimes i get a bit more adventurous and debate doing something different. Although had to note to myself when trying to deep throat dont go in so quick! lol

This is why I love this site - it gives a detailed look into the minds of people, and answers questions you wouldnt normally dare ask

i don't think of anything! it's a total cathartic mind blank moment - like meditation with perks!

I just hope Mrs Duck isn't thinking about wanting some crackers for the Fromunder cheese!

Gadget wrote:

i don't think of anything! it's a total cathartic mind blank moment - like meditation with perks!
