What gets your goat about other drivers?

You know whast p****s me off!!.....when my mum is sqweelin in my ear and nearly makes me cause an accident which apparently is my fault coz I wasn't 'paying attention' .....I was, but her screamin in my ear is a little distractin!! :@

As a lorry driver who is limited to 56mph on motorways,why o why do some people still drive at a slower speed than me,it really fecking annoys me,personaly its down right dangerous,or you leave a safe space in front of you and some berk nips in it,do you know how hard it is to stopped a fully loaded lorry,but the plus side is you are high up ,you get some good views of some lovely ladies in passing cars,especially when stuck in traffic on the M5 .

Drivers who constantly change lanes in heavy traffic causing others to have to brake slowing the rest of us down!
I followed a van driver up the A3 earlier this week, who was causing chaos all around him. I daft thing was when I pulled off the A3 many miles later the twat was right in front of me, so he didn't gain anything!

Or people who cut me up on roundabouts!

I could go on...

WGMG are persons making turns wiithout signals or parking on the zig-zags of a ped-crossing

People who don't indicate is my main gripe.

Most recently, I've encountered people who are about to come onto a roundabout but don't see you coming round until the last minute, so end up being half on the roundabout and half off. That's irritating.

Those who are initially in the lane next to you before a roundabout but suddenly decide to cut in front of you when you're exiting.

Kids and their parents. I work at a primary school, which is near a secondary school. If I'm running late, I end up trying not to hit a dozen teenagers on bikes, only to turn off and find parent after stupid parent parked in the most ridiculous places, alongside their ignorant children walking between parked cars.

I'm not exactly the epitome of an ideal driver, but the stupidity of some of these people is astounding.

Now where do I start!!!

People in the wrong lane at a roundabout then cut u up at the last minute so u have to break hard to miss hitting them

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Drivers who wear headphones... The worst I've seen is a driver who was wearing a massive pair of beats headphones and if that wasn't bad enough he was also playing with his phone.

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BJ63 says "Now where do I start!!!", and it is so valid. I identify with all the posts so far but also confess to being a plonker about driving slowish in the incorrect lane when in a new-to-me area, and trying to find my way.

The drivers on my desktop PC.piss me off , they keep crashing. LOL.

You probably need to slow down GG; Rome wasn't built in a day but the OH wasn't supervising at the time

Drivers on dual carriageways that cant remember the speed limit so drive about 8 mph below it and hog the outside lane so you can't pass them.
Drivers on dual carriageways that have just had about a mile to pass you but overtake you on the island and cut you up in the off lane.

The little twat on the M4 near Newport in Wales bout 4.40 this afternoon in the blue WRX ,never a copper about when you need them.

I actually saw a copper remove his High-Viz vest over his head while driving,at that point neither hand was on the wheel and his head was covered so he was driving blind too...never a copper about when you need one! Grrrrrrr!

`Ninja` cyclists,dressed in black with no lights,i travel to work at 5.40am,so any cyclists i see are likely travelling to or from work...use your wages to buy some feckin lights!

The use of fog lights when it isn`t foggy or instead of headlights,what the feck is that all about?

Knobheads who don`t use their indicators...why is it usually BMW,AUDI or Merc drivers?

Following a car with 2 women in the front seats holding a conversation,why does the driver insist on looking the passenger in the eyes while talking? Eyes on the road you daft bint!

As for the mention of disabled badge drivers who look to be walking better than you...i know from experience that things are not always as they seem...give them a break,it could be you one day.

WGMG is the driver, at 7am, with a defective 6 month barrier pass for a New Street multistory car park. The barrier won't open and she can't go forward or back because of following cars. She sits there until the attendant wakes up, as we have to behind her. At that time of day the access roads soon become clogged.

Change the effing card or use another multistory, a lot of us need to get to work by 7am.

Indecision . even if it's the wrong one, make it and get on with what you're doing.

Lack of awareness of self and others

Lack of anticipation

Not using mirrors

Not using indicators

Lane hogs I (it's called the overtaking lane, so move out of it once you're done, please)

Lane hogs II (you don't need to read the manufacturer of my numberplate as you tailgate me, I saw you a few seconds ago, and once I'm past the old dear in her Meriva doing 60, you can be on your way)

Texters / manual diallers


I recently had the privilege of an M3 on a German Autobahn and a mix of Austrian roads on a day of weather extremes crossing the Alps. On the clear stretches, I drove 170, in the mountains maybe 30. The really scary folk were those on the A roads just doing a steady fifty in the spray through open countryside and towns and not missing a beat probably whilst listening to the radio and chatting to their mates on the phone. Not a clue about what was going on around them, pedestrians, cyclists and so on. Lethal.

Sure there are enough who wanted to see how fast I'd go, so I just put the car in drive and let them get on with it watching as they zoomed off, the posturing in a couple of towns was sad to behold, and out on the Autobahn when other people were about, then ease off, take it easy and enjoy the reserves rather than testing the limits. Maybe 90's appropriate, maybe 120, maybe 60. The one size fits all approach to driving where people sort of follow rules but don't understand them .. they're the ones making me crazy whether for being too pushy and impatient or too dull and incompetent.

Today just about everything, not very professional i know but everyone’s patience has a limit and mine was exceeded today…

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Regularly I see impatient drivers, aggressive drivers speeding through side roads, drivers using their horns and hurling abuse at people, drivers not acknowledging when I let them out of junctions, double parking in car parks, drivers tailgating me in speed camera areas. Avoiding cyclists riding side by side, drivers trying to overtake me at dangerous times.

Today, long queue at the lights, woman in car in front, lights change cars start moving, eventually theres no cars in front of her 100m or so, clearly shes messing on, on her phone , please guys put your phone in your back pocket so you’re sitting on it, women put your phone in your bag ideally in the boot or behind the drivers seat, you can still answer if required hands free or simply ignore?


People driving in the middle lane when there is no other traffic in front of them. Idiots!!!