What is your screen time?

I know this is available to see on Apple devices, although unsure if there’s an alternative on Android etc.

Even though I’ve been out today, I’ve had a really lazy day otherwise and just checked my screen time: 3 hours 52 minutes

What’s yours? Do you like to limit it? Are you shocked by how long you spend online?

There should be “Screen Time” in your settings, or at least there is in my iPhone haha

Not sure if it’s available on Android, and not sure if i want to know, especially when i use the laptop as well as phone! :joy:


I dare not check :joy:… oh dear, it’s not on :innocent:


On Samsung Android…

Settings > Device Care > Battery > Battery Usage

It takes you to a screen with a bar chart for the last 7 days and a “screen on time” read out for the current day.

Mine for today with maybe another 15 mins to go pre bed is:
3 hours 12 minutes

Don’t think that’s too bad is it???

ETA No computer use, just use phone for pretty much everything. Some days I must admit are a lot higher than today :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I dread to think about it so I’m not gonna look​:cold_sweat:

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I used to have it set at a limit and it would constantly be at the notification bar at the top - ended up turning it off as it was too much and wasn’t actually changing anything :joy: The thing where you can see how many times you’ve unlocked your phone is also super scary :skull:

I don’t actually think my screen time is too bad but it really just depends on the day and what else I’m doing! Todays is 3hrs 19mins…

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Just checked mine and it was only 1 hour 11 mins but that was only on my phone. I’m pretty sure the laptop time will be a hell of a lot more , I reckon I’ve been on it at least 5 hours today!
I didn’t know there was a thing to see how often you unlocked your phone! @SexInTheCity :flushed: I dread to think how often I do it!

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Mine is quite bad…4 hours 28 mins. I do find myself getting lost watching Tik Tok videos haha

Oh god. I knew I shouldn’t have looked at mine. :man_facepalming: 25.6 hours


@Ian_Chimp :scream: yours makes my screen time look like a drop in the ocean!

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I know. I don’t know how I find the time for it. :man_shrugging::slightly_smiling_face:

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How??? There are not that many hours in the day! Have you mastered time travel as well as all the new forum features?


It’s a little known TL3 perk. We get a Badge, the ability to rename/recategorise topics, make wiki posts, and a special FTL3 time-drive to cram even more forum fun in. :slightly_smiling_face:


I cram hours in because i’m often surfing whilst watching tv, if i didn’t i’d fall asleep!

So far today it says 37 minutes, don’t really use my phone a lot, don’t have social media or play any games, I could happily live without a mobile but my wife always tells me to keep one incase she needs to get hold of me if I’m out

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I’m usually on a screen of one sort or another - sometimes 3 at once doing different things.
I don’t feel bad about it. In the days before the internet I’d be in a library with a similar amount of books in front of me, or chatting on the phone for hours.
My mother tells me I didn’t walk until I was 18 months old, but I could talk in sentences before that. No change there, then!


Er, considering the lockdown circumstances and the fact I work a second job online, I’m not sure how concerned I should be that my screen time on desktop has passed the 7 hour mark by 4pm…

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Eek, 3 hrs 48 mins since this morning :flushed:

Mind you, I am at home resting today so too easy a temptation to pick up my phone

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Never use my phone to look on the internet. I seem to be on my laptop about 12 hours a day!!!