what to wear?

This site seem to have some good stuff thats proper swimming stuff, these are two I particularly like



violeteyes wrote:

got a swimsuit finally! its from store 21!

heres a link http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/community/members/violeteyes/photos/2860/

I saw this earlier and thought that look's like a great swim suit. Kind of has that tribal tattoo design.

violeteyes wrote:

got a swimsuit finally! its from store 21!

heres a link http://www.lovehoney.co.uk/community/members/violeteyes/photos/2860/

hehe, saw the pics this morning VE, I already gave you a mention in the "photos" thread. Looks really good!

violeteyes wrote:

yeah, i thought that. actually the bottoms were to a different set but i thought tyhey looked ok together. gives me much more breast support

I couldn't even tell, they work well together. I have a plain black swim suit similar but too shy to wear it tbh. Last year I purchased surfing shorts and they are pretty good but have pink on- couldn't find a pair without a pattern. might actually try and be brave this year.

violeteyes wrote:

go for it, im sure you will pull it off :)

i love casual swimming so might go to the beach lots this year, problem is i usually burn External Media

I did that last year, though was in a dress. Me and my friend spend all day down there joking about together was fun but god the sun burn was hell for weeks after. I live only 5mins away from the beach and really should use it more tbh.

violeteyes wrote:

me too. i live on the coast but im starting to get sick of it- the rubbish weather and sea gulls for one, also the ports which make everything really horrid looking

There isn't any ports here really, there's a few places for lifeboats but that's it. Just sand and sea and a lot of ice cream places, hell in the summer you get crushed by visitors or ladybirds. There's woodlands and fields too, I actually prefer the woods.

I think there's a lot of sea gulls too, rather annoying.

not been swimming for a while but my swim suit is quite nice. has a shorts style on the legs, is more supportive around the stomach and has an in built bra. nice for swimming in and those rapid pool things as you dont have to worry about it falling down. got it from evans a few years back.