How to choose the right swimwear

Ok so, following on from my “How to choose the right underwear” thread, and the discussion around men wearing women’s lingerie, what are people’s thoughts on swimwear? Is female swimwear on a guy ever sexy in the same way stockings, bras etc can be?
We’re off to a villa with a private pool in the summer, and I’m quite taken with the idea of extending my lingerie wearing kink to include something for the pool/terrace.
I’ve worn one of the OH’s swimsuits in the past and although it was more of a jokey dare, it did feel and look pretty sexy on me I thought.
Any suggestions? Or is swimwear simply just practical sportswear and thus not really that sexy?


Anyone? :worried:

If the villa is truly private go au natural. The feeling of the sun. wind, and water on your body is amazing. If you want the soggy swimsuit thing going on only for females I suggest a one piece with the fake skirt thingie going on. I do have a string bikini but it doesn’t fit man bits at all and feels pointless. Stay away from the high cut thighs. Too narrow in the front for guys.

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Pool is secluded enough that we can go “au naturelle” and doubtless we will. Just thought a swimsuit might be fun too. Don’t get what you mean about a “soggy swimsuit” though? Surely any swimwear, male or female will get wet? That’s what it’s for!
Was thinking of something like this, or is it just like a vest?

Go with whatever you feel comfortable with, but you’ll get big tan lines - what about thong bikinis

Surely a bikini will give more obvious tan lines?
I don’t tan than noticeably so not a huge problem but wouldn’t a one piece give a tan that looks almost like a vest top?

I believe you can get tan through swim wear theses days , presumably avoiding the tan line situation all together.

I honestly can’t say the tanning thing bothers me.
I’m rarely that uncovered in public.

I’d look fabulous in this one, I just know it :heart_eyes: :joy:
What do we think? Sexy? Ok on a guy?
Really want to try the idea now I’ve started browsing.

Love it!

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Years ago i wore one similar to this on a beach in Spain.Nobody batted an eyelid,apart from a number of women giving me the thumbs up.

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Thing is, on a guy would something like the black one just end up looking like shorts and a vest? Maybe that’s why no one really noticed?

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Yes that’s right.Probaly also the reason it seemed to be the ladies that noticed if anyone did.It felt lovely to wear it when on that beach though.

I want something that’s still obviously a female swimsuit, even when I’m wearing it. Maybe it just doesn’t work the same with swimsuits as it does with lingerie. :pensive:

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Yes,actually i would love to wear a bikini on holiday sometime.I think it would be awesome.

I found this (the top one in black) which I really like and think could look good on a male frame.
The top is really feminine and I reckon the briefs would easily offer enough coverage. Only thing stopping me is it’s a high end brand and VERY expensive :pensive:
If it was lingerie I might be able to justify the price as I know I’d love wearing it but as a trial of a new kink it’s too much :unamused:

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Wow,yes that’s awesome.I would love to wear that but like you,if it’s lingerie the cost could be justified,but otherwise?.Here’s hoping it comes along sometime at a sale price sometime :smiley:

At the other end of the spectrum there’s always this (the middle one in black)
Much more traditional but still quite flattering and I reckon the briefs might just work, after all, there is male swimwear which is as miniscule as that and although I’d never normally choose a male style like that I’d give it a go as part of a bikini

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And I just love the style of top on this one at the bottom, in pink with the cropped vest top… :heart_eyes:
Great colour too.

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Maybe try one them mankini things :grin:

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Just doesn’t quite do it for me I’m afraid.
As with lingerie I’m drawn to the idea of squeezing my male body in to something meant for the female form.