What's your plan for Christmas day?

As the title suggests, a thread to discuss all our Christmas plans :)

Mine will start by present opening in the front room in pj's (Seeing what Santa has left! ![cheeky|20x20](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif "cheeky"))

Then get ready and go and visit some of my boyfriends family and pop to the cemetery to give flowers to family who cannot be with us, then back to my family home for Christmas Lunch with my parents. Then in the evening go over to visit my boyfriends immediate family and play games, watch TV and have a drink or two.. PERFECT!

I wish you all a very merry Christmas ![heart|20x20](upload://4WyQT1gwKaQJNwhYxrKZ1rOPglF.gif "heart")

Sounds perfect Cazz, mine is pretty similar to be honest :P

We will be opening presents in the morning with my nieces, sisters and parents (all in our Christmas onsies of course!). After that my sisters and mother are off to work, nieces go to their fathers place and my father and I start cooking dinner. Around 5:30 we will eat and then spend the evening drinking and playing games with the whole family :D

This year is the first year that I am able to physically spend with my OH during the holidays so I am just super excited and having a blast! :)

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and best wishes for the New Year :)

Those both sound great 😊

I've got my sister-in-law and her boyfriend staying overnight tonight so we can all be together with the kids on Christmas morning. However, my wife had bought me an obligatory Batman onesie to wear in the morning. Something I am quite dubious about, but will wear to keep her happy!

Then it's just playing games all day with the kids and having some nice family time. That's what Christmas is all about.

I hope you all have a lovely day, whatever you decide to do.

Much love and Merry Christmas!

What a great thread!

I love Christmas and get so excited - lol. We get up really early and start the day by opening our Christmas Socks with a sneaky glass of Baileys, with me still in my PJ's ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif) Then we get my Mum who spends the whole day with us, and we have a huge yummy Christmas dinner. We also go to the cemetery to visit my Dad who is sadly no longer with us. Then it's on to Mr Scorpius's family for the late afternoon - filled with more present swapping, games, and more yummy treats - that's if we have any room left! lol. Merry Christmas Cazz, hope you and everyone have a wonderful time ![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif) ![](upload://4WyQT1gwKaQJNwhYxrKZ1rOPglF.gif) xx

Mine will start at 9am with my OH kiddies coming over fo present openig with us untl 11am

My mum will aslo pop over to give them pressies etc :)

Then after they go back to their mums we will be over my mums to open presents with my 2 bros and mum! She then has about 25 over for dinner so will be helping prep all the food needed for this feast :)

So then dinner with the bunch then chill out with games and with my niece , Will probably hang out with her for most part of day . 4 year olds on xmas = awesome pressies for me to play with too lol !

my mum also does a buffett in the evening so then will eat more ! I dont drink so I will also be watching everyone get a little merry hehe

Very quiet lazying around we get up late do presents dinner will be cooked since we eat in the evening well eat when we want, watch Dr Who, just chill out. Have a Wonderful Christmas all of you.

Ours will be presents from whenever the kids wake up (was 4am last year!), spot of breakfast (normally chocolate!) then checking the Xmas day deals on here (and hopefully the stronic will be on deal!).

Lunch is normally around 1:30ish, chill for the afternoon then over to grandparents. Generally soon to bed after the kids have gone down from being up so early!

Most of my day will likely be spent wishing I could go back to bed lol!

We have my partner's mother coming tonight, then we're off for present opening early morning at a relative's house. After that I'll come back to my mother's house and help her get the dinner cooked while everyone else does their own thing at the relative house for a bit, then obviously they will arrive to eat the dinner then chill after. And lament not being able to do our usual nightly routine (not to mention lack of sexy stuff) as partner's mum is staying at ours again, haha.

Merry Christmas to all! :)

Opening pressies with my son, then off to my parents for Christmas dinner, then take son to his dads. That's pretty much it.

Merry Christmas to you all xx

Get up, not too early! Have breakfast, open presents. Then walk the dog and shower etc then off to mother in laws for xmas dinner. Stay a few hours then go to my parents for a few hours then home to watch some of the xmas tv then a night in!

Father in law is coming round when we go out to dog sit so we dont have to worry about rushing home but at the same time its hard because we try and spend the same amount of time with each parent which is tricky!

Waking up to a cat pawing my head most likely, spend time fussing and playing with hin, open his presents and have a lazy morning.

Then off to my best friends for dinner with her and her family, well my extended family too I call them :)

Lots of yummy food and just having fun with them, then back home to fuss the kitty some more and give him some more treats. I'll be saving him some salmon and prawns.

Happy Christmas to everyone xx

Oh I'll also be checking for the special Christmas offers in the morning too, fingers crossed for something good x

My Christmas morning will be, up with the kids, all 7 of them. Then we will go to both of the local pubs for a drink with the locals in our village and kids will be with us.
Then my eldest 2 will visit their dad and have dinner with him.
In the late afternoon my partners children will go to their mums for their little sisters birthday.
Then I think my partner, my youngest 2 and I will go round to his sisters house.
Lots of running around but should be a good day. I'm sure not all the children will open all the presents so some will be saved for when they get back from their other parents houses. My youngest 2 won't see their dad as he went to Thailand in march and although he is in Ireland he isn't coming to see them so looking forward to my babies for all of Christmas.

Merry Christmas to all


I would like to take the opportunity to wish all folks on the LH comunity & all LH staff a very merry christmas & a happy & healthy new year.

Will be cooking Xmas dinner for the family. I love cooking, especially at Xmas as a thankyou to the family for all the support I get from them, especially over the last two difficult years.

My morning will start at 7am by telling the kids to go back to bed and eventually roll out about 9am. Dose myself with enough caffiene to wake up a coma patient before spending the next hour or so opening presents with the OH and kids.

Start making Xmas dinner around 1 to eat by 3 and then watch various xmas films and cartoon holiday spcials until the kids go to bed.

Afterwards devour half a bottle of whisky that I will have opened earlier while watching a tonne of batman and xmen cartoons as is our tradition and collapse in bed sometime around 2am.

I am on my own this year until 4pm when my husband comes home from work :( I shall eat, drink and be merry on my own and probably be passed out when my hubby gets home haha x

Well we'll get up, open some of our presents (wife will see what I've ordered her for lovehoney) :)

Then take some presents over my parents house, along with the rest of the family's presents...

Xmas lunch with all the trimmings...

Then go home to bed...

Boxing day - Take my wife for her boxing day appointment at hospital & then go see her family for boxing day celebrations :)

I'm at my parents, and my brothers are here too. We'll open presents in the morning, then phone relatives. I'll help my mum with Christmas dinner, which we'll eat ay lunchtime. We'll watch a few things on TV (we have Black Mirror White Christmas recorded, and we'll watch the Doctor Who special), and play board games :) we may also go for a walk at some point...

Lovebirds_x wrote:

Most of my day will likely be spent wishing I could go back to bed lol!

Truth up. Christmas for us is dragging ourselves around various family and in-laws; trying to keeo everyone happy and eating too many dinners. I wish we could just stay at home, just the three of us, watching TV in our pyjamas with the fire on and dozing on the couch.

But I suppose you need to be grateful for the people you have while you still have them.

It's just my mum and I this Christmas. I'll probably wake up in the same fashion as PurringTiger, with my little 9-month-old kitty pawing my face and sittting purring on my chest until I wake up and give him cuddles. There will be no presents to open, because our family tradition is to open presents on Christmas Eve.

Beyond that, we will spend the day cooking, eating, and watching our favourite Christmas movies. Downton Abbey will no doubt get a watch too.

On Boxing Day, my aunt is on her own as her kids are spending the day with her ex, so she'll be coming to us for dinner and we'll pretty much do it all again. Then on Saturday, I'm planning to head into Glasgow city centre to lay some flowers for the victims of the crash. Now that the names of the victims have been released, I've realised that some members of my work colleague's family were killed. That brings everything even closer to home.

All in all, things will be pretty non stop until Sunday, when I'll have a nice relaxed day chilling out before work starts again on Monday.