Which would you pick

This is just a gut reaction question. I'm not making any statements about committment of time together, whether it's a one night stand or 50 years together. And, I'm not asking about physical beauty. So, which would you pick:

Good lover?


Good personality?

I think a good personality is definitely most important.

Even if someone was a good lover, if they were abrasive or mean or malicious it wouldn't work for me.

Good personality! 100%

Simple really...you only spend a few hours a day (at the best of times) in the sack, having sex. The rest of the time.....you have to put up with them! lol Still you mention that this is a gut reaction and not to consider time together or committment, but unfortunately, those kind of things count in changing my opinion at least. I mean, put it this way: If I was ONLY looking for a one night stand, sexual thing...then I think good lover would be higher. In most other situations, it would be personality. I had my one night stands back when I was young and outgrew them very quick. They were not suited to my desires. I needed more commitment and feelings involved to really enjoy the sex. So yeh...personality every time, for me.

Skills in the bedroom can come, in time. They can improve if you communicate together and show each other what you desire. Personalities neither can be, or should be forced to change imo.

Personality 100% - as Fluffbags said bedroom skills can be developed :) xx

Definitely personality!
As per usual fluffbags has hit it on the head, I agree with everything she has said

Good personality by far! Bedroom activities can be improved and there's always the help of toys an such, whereas there's no learning good personality.

Good personality.

Personality all the way! But to me my partner has both so I'm very lucky! =D x

Personality definitely.

As always, Fluffbags has said what most of us are thinking! :P

no brainer.......

1 night stand = good lover

long term = personality

Without a doubt good personality. I agree with the others Fluffbags has summed it up really well as usual.

good personality!

Personality!!! I've gone out with some right mi gets but they where good to me and made me laugh x

Personality. I wouldn't have sex with someone I didn't care about, and whilst I enjoy sex if I was with someone who was great in bed but was an unpleasant person it would be a fairly short lived relationship.

Personality definitely. As usual, Fluffbags puts it perfectly.

Personality always seems to deteriorate with age less than most other things and had to be my choice.

Personality. It wouldn't matter how good the sex was if I couldn't stand them the rest of the time!

The good lover part is part of someone's personality for me, so the two go hand in hand.

If you mean purely looks vs personality then the latter wins

Personality without a doubt.........and in terms of my definition of Good Personality comes a willingness to be open minded..........so win win :-)

Good Personality that whats I fall in love with someone who can make me smile