Why am I so horny?

im an ftm transgender and my girlfriend keeps sayig i need to calm myself cos every morning im so horny, what should i do?

i keep getting out of control with my moods, any tips?

Are you on T? It could be hormonal changes causing mood swings and libido changes. Might be worth mentioning it to your doc if it's getting out of hand, but I imagine some of it is to be expected!

I was going to say the same as above, it sounds like it could be hormonal changes. Speak to the doctor if it’s also bothering you or have just some solo play time if your girlfriend isn’t into it in those moments.

As others have said it could be hormonal changes so you may want to speak to a doctor. Alternatively just give yourself some solo time and see if this will calm your cravings.

Iv had a few weeks where I have uncontrollable urges and I tend to just shut myself away from my partner a bit and try and control it with solo play if she’s not in the mood, but I can understand that its sometimes not enough. So maybe also speak to your girlfriend too.

i havent had any surgery or medication for the transitioning so this is why im confused to why im like this??

Thanks guys

thanks guys

im not on t yet so?

It could still be due to changes - if you’re feeling happier within yourself then the endorphins could be raising your sex drive. It’s pretty normal for people to wake up aroused though so this could just be normal for you :)

Trans dude here, the more comfortable you are in and of yourself, the more comfortable you are with your body. When you begin your journey and start to feel you're being recognised for who your truly are it is absoloutely life changing and can lead to a serious spike in self confidence. This in turn can help you feel more comfortable with yourself and help to spike your libido.

I found since coming out my libido has spiked, it went from practically non existent to ridiculously high. It will eventually even out, but for now set aside a little bit of time to explore your body. Find time in the day as your settling down to destress and explore this new chapter of your life. Finding what you are and arn't comfortable with in regards to your body can really help your transition and give you some clues about how far you want to take your transition.

Best of luck dude!

Sounds like your loving it, wether 'it' is the current changes, the planned changes or the goodness of taking control of who you are.

Get in.