Worst and best christmas pressents...

So with the big day looming what's your idea of pressie haeven and pressie hell?

The best pressie I've recieved from my OH was a necklace just the sort I would have picked for myself and perfume that I didn't already or ever heard of but now love!!!

I would hate to recieve clothes from my OH as he hardly ever gets it right, or something rediculously expensive that I would never use and would probably rant at how expensive it was and we could have paid for a weeks family shopping with that!! lol

I love clothes from my OH, he knows my taste EXACTLY. I am happy with most things though not that interested in jewellery, I think gifts I dont like are gift cards to mainstream shops. I never shop in them and it shows lack of thought or motivation. That said, I wouldnt be ungrateful, if ever bought a present that I didnt particularly like I just pretend I do. One thing I cant stand at christmas is ungrateful children. As a kid I barely ever got anything new so was over the moon when I did, many kids these days will never experience that!

I think the worst christmas present I ever recieved was probably a furry white waistcoat, it was really random and not at all to my tast but the person that got it for me did so with a kind heart so I wore it and loved it anyway.

Worst present. - a set of cheap saucepans

Best - his face when I put them in the charity shop. And him humping his suitcase down the drive

Plain Jane wrote:

Worst present. - a set of cheap saucepans

Best - his face when I put them in the charity shop. And him humping his suitcase down the drive

Lol! Oh dear, I think he got the message then.

Very definitely. He put me off husbands for life

I know alot of what im getting this christmas :D ive got a bowie wall hanging, bowie patch, bowie bag, bowie purse, bowie necklace, bowie pants, bowie wall sticker and bowie mug :D
and a wall clock, a dressing gown, a onesie, gold marmite, the game of thrones books, loads of craft stuff and a picnic hamper :D ive got other stuff but ive not been able to guess it yet :D :D oo theres a terry pratchett book aswell

worst present was coat hangers from my grandma, shes lovely but al the girls get the same thing and all the boys get the same thing, so you imagine girls ranging from 8 to 50 getting coat hangers and boys from 6 to 50 getting a toy car. Actually one year they got magnetic balls, which were really cool, one year all us girls got hula dolls lol. x

Worst - Scented products that have to go into the outside storage until I can rehome them. We wish you a Merry Migraine just doesn't work. surprise

Best - A good friend has cerebral palsy and learning disabilties. Early on in our friendship he gave me a tea light holder that's shaped like a hand where the light rests in the palm. It's about giving light and friendship and a helping hand.

rose hip wrote:

Worst - Scented products that have to go into the outside storage until I can rehome them. We wish you a Merry Migraine just doesn't work.

Best - A good friend has cerebral palsy and learning disabilties. Early on in our friendship he gave me a tea light holder that's shaped like a hand where the light rests in the palm. It's about giving light and friendship and a helping hand.

my parents have one of those tea light holders :D and 2 like bird feeder hands, but she spray painted them metalic gold and use them to hold the curtains at the top of her bed :)

rose hip wrote:

Worst - Scented products that have to go into the outside storage until I can rehome them. We wish you a Merry Migraine just doesn't work.

Best - A good friend has cerebral palsy and learning disabilties. Early on in our friendship he gave me a tea light holder that's shaped like a hand where the light rests in the palm. It's about giving light and friendship and a helping hand.

my parents have one of those tea light holders :D and 2 like bird feeder hands, but she spray painted them metalic gold and use them to hold the curtains at the top of her bed :)

best was i got everything i got and i didnt have a bad presents errrmmm ..... hang on my milk tray made me feel completely sick xx

Oh this was easy since I got exactly two presents. %-) The best was a box of chocolates I can't eat (need to avoid sugar for health reasons) and the worst was a box of scented products that are too expensive to just throw away. They're in the outside storage till I find someone to give them to.

best this year - money, means I can buy something I really want

worst this year - an electric toothbrush

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

I got an electric toothbrush for a birthday a couple of years ago, and it is really useful! Mind you, I had hinted that I had wanted one.

I don't use it all the time as it is pretty loud and annoying and makes my mouth tingle, which I don't like. But I use it every so often to get my teeth extra clean. Along with using an interdental brush, brushing my tongue, and sometimes mouthwashing, my mouth never feels so clean! Pain in the ass to do it every day though. But doesn't need it every day. I'll do it around 3-4 times a month, and it really does help to keep on top of things.

(I'll point out that I do brush my teeth every day with a good manual brush and good quality toothpaste though - my mother used to work at a dentist, so I'm pretty much spot on with oral hygeine.)

I see it much like shaving - every so often I do what I call "The Big Shave" which means shaving everywhere, in close and all smooth. I also sometimes do something similar with facial cleansing, using a facial mask and moisturiser. It is the same thing with my teeth. "The Big Brushing!" Heh.

I totally get this! I do the big shave, the big tooth cleansing and the big facial (no pun intended) about twice a month but I also do the big pampering where I sit and pluck my eyebrows, shape and paint my nails, treat my hair, all the stuff that I dont have time to do after work every day :)

oh, this year I had no bad presents, they were all fantastic! My partner knows me so well

Best - BJ from the OH ;) by FAR!!!

Worst = Chocolate.....