Your views please

I would like to to know what LH members views are on transvestism. Do you think it an illness as so many psychologists do or do you think of it as being 'normal' I would appreciate your frankness.

Hello hello sailor in my views it's totally normal mate at the end of the day it is only YOU who can judge what part of your behaviour is normal for YOU I'm sure there are many people male and female embarassed of what their OH and other people may think, just because some people are so closed and intolerant of anything which even deviates from vanilla activities but if you enjoy it don't let anyone stop you

I'm pretty sure you've just asked this question to the most open minded people on the planet! If your comfortable with and enjoy transvestism then go ahead and do it! Noone can judge your actions and if they try to forget about them or quite simply don't tell them. I myself do acts which some people would find too kinky and try to judge me on but as long as I'm happy I couldn't care less about other people!

I agree with what others have said. Seeing transvestites and cross-dressers hit the town brings a huge smile to my face, as I really admire their confidence! At the end of the day, gender is in the mind, part of your personality... Why change your personality to fit with social norms?
And why to people tolerate racist criminals with anger management issues* by saying "it's just how they are, they can't help it" and such, but not accept transgender folk? It's bloody madness.

*not saying being a criminal is always bad, or having anger issues, likewise. Been there. Just stating that angry, racist folk smashing up houses is a lot worse than a transvestite going about their life peacefully.

It's interesting to try and pick apart the question, actually. (It usually is, I find!)

So: Is it normal for people to wear what they want? Of course.

Is it normal to get a sexual buzz out of looking good? I guess so, yeah.

If the point is truly cross-dressing, rather than gender identity issues, then the only question you have to ask is; why wouldn't you wear clothes that look and feel good to you? Only the norms of (a fairly rubbish) society state that these clothes must be worn by people identifying as women, while those are reserved for people identifying as men. It's crazy, but as with most things, if enough people buy into the craziness it's pretty hard to see the truth of the matter.

If the person is cross-dressing as a means of trying to express more deep-seated dissatisfaction with their gender identity, then perhaps, sometimes, the psychologists may have a point. But that's only if you keep thinking in terms of fixed, binary gender packages anyway. Once you realise that all the little things we traditionally lump together as belonging to a particular gender are actually separate and mutually inter-compatible, well, the idea of "a gender" becomes laughable, and so does the idea that it's actually posible to wear "inappropriate" clothing for your apparent gender.

Now I think of it - if you're you always cross-dress, or never...?

As long as what you, or anyone else does, is yours/their choice and it harms no one else then I don't see any problem with it. I don't think it's an illness, anyone who does is barking themselves!

I'm an avid cosplayer and dresser-upper. I love the feeling I get from wearing clothes which are different to what I'd normally wear and perhaps playing another character with it, and I don't really view transvestitism as any different really.

I believe in " live and let live ".....

If we all liked / did the same thing, the world would be a pretty boring place

I think it comes down to whatever the person feels like, if it makes them happy & they enjoy it, I don't think it should be classed at all, I certainly don't think it should be called an illness, I like to dress up in PVC when I get the chance for my other half & when she was sad one night, I put on her PVC cop dress, she laughed so much, it was nice to see her cheer up. I also have some lace men's underwear from LH & they are simply fantastic.

S&M sexy times wrote:

when she was sad one night, I put on her PVC cop dress, she laughed so much, it was nice to see her cheer up.

You, Sir, are a hero. She's very lucky to have someone that considerate and thoughtful looking out for her. External Media

Mr Monster wrote:

S&M sexy times wrote:

when she was sad one night, I put on her PVC cop dress, she laughed so much, it was nice to see her cheer up.

You, Sir, are a hero. She's very lucky to have someone that considerate and thoughtful looking out for her. External Media

Thank you kindly Mr M.

Marlin wrote:

If we all liked / did the same thing, the world would be a pretty boring place

100% agree! x

I think there is nothing wrong with it whatsoever, if someone wishes to crossdress thats up to them. I like dressing men up as part of my sub/dom games, often make K wear a maids uniform. X

I always find it a bit odd when people try and restrict what you wear. (Other than the eternal "That looks terrible on you, try something else" which the whole fashion industry relies on.)

I'm going to be honest here and say that most of the time a man in a dress just looks a bit daft, but that's simply because dresses, seen traditionally as female clothing, are cut to conform to female body shapes. It's like a larger man wearing tight, skinny jeans. Course, this being the world that this is, if you want to wear it, wear it. If Lady GaGa can wear meat you can sure as hell wear lace.

Essentially, people against it are saying, it's okay for you to drape fabric over yourself if we make it This shape, but you'll get beaten to a pulp if you wear it like That.

It's like saying someone is sick for liking carpet over wood floors. Baffeling.

hello sailor wrote:

I would like to to know what LH members views are on transvestism. Do you think it an illness as so many psychologists do or do you think of it as being 'normal' I would appreciate your frankness.

Who are these pyschologists?! I'm pretty sure that kind of thinking was ousted from the medical community quite some time ago. None of the modern pyschology books I've read consider a kink as an illness - it's only when fetishes become so extreme as to impact on a persons ability to maintain their every day life that they are seen as an indicator that something might be amiss. Even in these cases, the fetish (say, being caned) is seen as a symptom of a pyschological issue (in this case, self harm) rather than an illness in itself.

Before anyone flies off the handle, I'm NOT saying that enjoying being caned is in any way the same as self harm. I'm just saying that there have been documented cases where people who do self harm have used their sex life as an outlet, as one example of how pschologists do sometimes link fetishes with psychological problems. Anyone who thinks transvestism is an illness is a moron, so I really really hope you've not managed to find someone with this belief who practices any kind of profession in mental health.

SS xx


Many thanks and best wishes

Many thanks and best wishes

Many thanks and best wishes

Many thanks and best wishes