A thought about introductions to Lovehoney

Having found Lovehoney - and enjoyed the great products with excellent service - We are happily recommending the site to any friends who express an interest.

i do wonder if Lovehoney would benefit from some sort of reward scheme for the introduction of new customers. I figure it needn't cost the cmpany much money - perhaps bonus Oh Points or something like that.

Not being greedy - just putting it out there.

We'll carry on giving Lovehoney glowing reviews irrespective. ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

You do already get a certain amount of Oh! points as a new customer that are additional if I remember rightly :)

NatandTom wrote:

You do already get a certain amount of Oh! points as a new customer that are additional if I remember rightly :)

You do indeed - I was suggestng when you introduce someone new. Everyone likes more customers - an incentive to introduce might pay dividends.

Ah, gotcha!