Oh! Points idea?

Hi everyone :)

I've just written some new reviews and was thinking, wouldn't it be a good idea to give a small amount of Oh! Points to those who successfully submit a review? Nothing huge and ground breaking but maybe a teeny 50 points or so to encourage more written reviews. Also maybe, the reviews that are voted as helpful maybe can get a small 10 Point bonus per vote also.

Just a small suggestion :)

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It was suggested before but I think the reasoning against was because they didn't want any bias in giving reviews. Also, because there are some issues that will probably arise in quality of reviews etc.

Who knows though, they may change their minds.

I, personally, wouldn't want in influx in bad quality reviews just for the sake of points though.

There is already the chance to win £100 for submitting a review, i think that is a nice insentive for people

It's kind of hard to implement, as Nymeria says, you would probably get an influx of the 1 or 2 line reivews just for the points. You could then say - well it only gets given to the good reviews but then someone at LH has got to judge and decide which are good and bad and it's extra work for them.

The 10 points for someone saying your review was helpful could be good but again you could just ask all your friends to say it was helpful regardless of whether they thought so or not, make fake accounts just to tick it etc .. so really kind of hard to maintain it.

The chance of winning £100 is a nice incentive already as LL says.

Sounds like a good idea, but I think in practice it could quickly develop faults. As Luckylesbo points out, theres already the opportunity to win a £100 which is a really good reward!

I just think the £100 could maybe used for the points instead as more people will benefit in the long term. As for the bad quality of reviews for points, don't the staff read and authorise the reviews before they go live?

Sorry was just a suggestion that I thought could benefit every loyal member :)

My incentive for writing reviews has always been appreciation of how much I've learned from other people's. What to look for, what questions to ask, why something maybe didn't work out as expected. That's more than enough for me.

shtym wrote:

I just think the £100 could maybe used for the points instead as more people will benefit in the long term. As for the bad quality of reviews for points, don't the staff read and authorise the reviews before they go live?

Sorry was just a suggestion that I thought could benefit every loyal member :)

I really like this idea, and yeah, I can see there being potential issues- if it were only based on points per review.

Because every review has to be authorised, it would seem the natural thing to me, in order to imprement this, that the staff who approve the reviews decide the amount of points a review gets based on information, appropriateness, and reasonable length. It would probably not be too much additional work- they've read thousands already, and know instantly upon reading how great it stands in the scheme of things. It would be more of an instantaneous 'yep, dont need to change anything, yep, approved, and yep, I'll award 20 points there.' The only major complication would be actually adding the 'add OH! points' programming to the review approving set-up.

I think this could impact on the faith people put in the reviews, at the moment you know that what is said is genuine, whereas if points were awarded, then people could potentially just write any old thing in order to get the points, and become a serial bad reviewer. Personally it would affect the trust I had in what was said, as I'd be unsure what the motive was for doing it and it would no longer be an impartial system, which any trusted review system needs to be.

Equally, whilst each review is read, I'm not sure the staff would want to be 'judging' the review to determine whether points are awarded or not, potentially then those that didn't get points would want to know why, where they had gone wrong etc, and it soon becomes an administrative nightmare.

It has been raised several times already and for the reasons outlined in the posts above has always been vetoed. As has been said the review of the month is a good incentive, and they offer 2,000 points to a small number of runners up, it might be 2 or 3, which is great. I have won that before, which was a fab surprise and a bonus, but wasn't my reason for submitting my review, that was purely to help others make the right choice for them.