Acknowledgement to mature women

I am a mature hetro man , but have never been drawn to younger women ( i have told my wife this often). I find the physical aspects of aging in wonen so appealing and so arousing… i look and admire beautiful younger woman, but dont fantasise about them as i can’t imagine them being sexually attracted to me and my fantasies have to have an element of potentially happening.( they are just fantasies nothing more than that, )
If a similar type of male, do you feel the same.?
If a mature hetro woman , do you feel the same about men.?
If gay, bi or what ever , do you feel the same in relation to aging.?


@Iwill I totally agree. Like you i can admire younger women, but not delude enough to think atteactive to them.

Love seeing all ladies on here and agree so many attractive mature ladies to admire :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Totally agree.
For example, the gym is full of hot younger women, but I know they wouldn’t find me attractive, so it has a turn off about it.


For me I love the more mature man - experience to me is sexy and attractive


I much prefer men closer to my own age, I don’t find younger men sexually attractive at all and in the same breath, I don’t find older men sexually attractive either.

5-7yrs older and 5 yrs younger was always my limit, even on fab. Though I did break that rule for someone that was 28, when I was 38. Beards add 5yrs, right? :rofl:


First four responses seem to prefer those of a similar age or just slightly older/ younger.

I definitely admire younger men, thinking to myself that I’d love to have a sensual, loving relationship with someone slightly younger as my ex-husband had erectile dysfunction, leading to my sex life being unsatisfying for the last decade.
As soon as I put any actual thought into it I realise that childishness would become an issue, in my experience it takes men up till almost 40 years old to grow up enough to be an actual partner, as opposed to being an adult childminder to you significant other! :joy::joy:

As I’ve got older I’m more attracted to women older than myself. I think it’s because I feel they have the maturity and experience to not dismiss another old person but enjoy them and their body for what they are.:wink:

As someone who has had a fair volume of sexual encounters with younger and older women (and many in between) I’m comfortable in saying that older women are often far better, and adventurous in bed.
I’m sure this probably applies to men too - I know that I’m far different in bed than I was >10 years ago.
Controversial opinion, but I’d also argue that in my experience some of the worst sex I’ve had has been with exceptionally beautiful women, and some of the best has been with those who are less so.

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@Gareth . Yes i can relate to your comments.

I’ve always been attracted to the personality, not the package, so even when I was young, there were older men I fantasised about - in fact, before about 25, I didn’t fantasise about men my own age at all (women I did, but not men). Still feel the same about the package - it is that connection that triggers the attraction, not a look.

Don’t think husband much cares. I know he’s fantasised about women about 15 years older than him and now about 15 years younger and everything in between.


Agree with the forum, mature women win hands down, they are experienced, worldly-wise, and can hold a conversation.

I am not saying that younger women can’t, but there is something beyond physical appearance with a mature lady that you don’t get with someone younger.

The OH has become more beautiful as we have aged together and more adventurous.


Hmm I’ve always liked guys a bit older than me as I tend to think younger guys are more immature and I don’t like the idea of being the older one as I prefer to feel looked after and comforted by an older guy… maybe I have daddy issue or something haha :joy:

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Love the older woman - so sexy and talented


Im deffo for the older woman, at mid forties I’d be happy to go as far as say that if a 65 year old that i found attractive wanted to indulge then I’d not bat an eylid.
I wouldn’t say no to younger but would probably draw the line at above 30.


I couldn’t have said it better.

I agree with every word.

We are in our 70’s now and clearly neither of us are physically as attractive as we were 50 years ago but sexually we are much more in tune and far more adventurous than we ever were and, to me, she is more beautiful than ever. I tell her so every single day.



:smile: that is a rather sweeping statement. I will exclude myself from that stereotype if you dont mind.

Very interesting topic personally I am more attracted to people my own age or slightly older not younger though. I imagine that may change though as I age more. I can appreciate older people for their beauty and wisdom but wouldn’t see myself as sexually attracted to them. :smiling_face:


A mature woman is so much more attractive to me. More experienced, can hold a conversation and have personality.