
If any of you saw my post about my sex life being terrible with my partner I tried speaking to him about it twice and he ended up storming off basically saying that it doesn’t matter what I think about it.

I’m ashamed to say that in the moment of anger I called a guy I hooked up with during our break and we had sex. I wasn’t going to post it in here but felt I had to get it off my chest. What do I do now? I feel awful

Sounds like your relationship is done and you are kidding yourself if you think it isn’t


I agree with @steviefun. It sounds like the relationship has run its course, you both need to be able to speak openly with one another and work together to fix issues. I’m really sorry but it sounds like you both be better off going your separate ways.


You definitely need to break up now I’m afraid.

Although I don’t condone cheating I do sympathise with you a bit here. Best thing you can do now is have a period of single life and enjoy sex again.


I concure with many of the comments already made you both need time away to find out whst you both want and maybe you can start enjoying life

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Hi did you see the posts that was flagged seems as if someone was just being awkward

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I am someone who is completely against cheating, so my views would be to split before someone gets hurt.
I am someone who’s loves sex and my wife not so much, so it’s about compromise or self loving.
If this can’t be done, I think you know it’s over…….sorry

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If you’re sexually unsatisfied and can’t communicate openly, is that a relationship you want to keep?

Only you know the answer to that, but from an outsider’s perspective with the information given, it doesn’t really seem like it…


It would seem the best course of action would be to move on. If you were unfulfilled in the relationship it would come to an end some point in the future, so might as well be honest with yourself and your feelings.

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I’m with the others - if you thought the relationship was worth saving then straying would have been harder, so maybe you already knew it was done? Better to cut ties now and find someone who you have a better balance with in the future :heart:

Though I probably wouldn’t tell your partner that you cheated - if you are leaving anyway, it just will make him feel bad for no reason!

Think I’d agree with most here to be fair! Before it get worse I’d admit what’s happened and say it’s the end. :disappointed: or if you want to save some feelings being hurt finish it before he finds out from someone or somewhere else

Hmm, I drew a Tarot card - The Devil. Have you fed your sexual desire to the point it’s taken over your life? Will following its demands actually bring you happiness in the long term? :heart_on_fire:

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I think you’re done quite frankly.

You have a terrible sex life and when you try to open up channels of communication he storms off like a child leaving you feeling like your feelings don’t matter.

Is this someone you seriously see a long term future with?? Move on!

If you run into the bed of another person after an argument then maybe a relationship is not for you are the current time. Sex is a very important part of a relationship and anyone finding out they are not “doing it” for their partner would initially feel hurt and possibly embarrassed. Sometimes talking is they way forward other times just some encouragement is needed and it can be much more tactful and fun. But lets be honest here, you have just told your partner he was not doing it right and then jumped into bed with someone else. If you tell him he will always have it in the back of his mind and if you do not tell him you will do it again if he does not hit the right spots so its fairly obvious what the conclusion to this should be.

I am with the majority of it isn’t working out between you then draw a line on it for the best for both parties involved ! No sex at all is better than bad sex!

Take time to process and cool down… maybe even consider why you ended up connecting with this other guy so easily and if staying in a this current relationship is what you really want

Well it sounds like yous are done. He doesn’t care how you feel and you’ve done what you’ve done.
You don’t enjoy the sex anyway, take it as a sign and get out.


I saw your last post and was going to comment but at the time when I read it my reply was going to be with out a sexual connection the relationship would have never worked. I’ve been in that situation and in the past I’ve always thought it would come within time and it never does.
From this post it sounds like it’s just done now. There is no point keep going back when it’s clearly not working. I personally wouldn’t tell him you cheated as that could destroy what ever confidence he has left.

I agree with @Deanna32, don’t tell him, it would only serve to make you feel better and thats not fair to him.

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Need to learn to communicate with each other, him to listen to you and discuss how to improve your sex lives and yourself not to fly off tge handle and head off for sex with someone else