Advice needed


Occasionally, when orgasming whilst on top of my husband, I am much "wetter" than normal, to the point of me being able to feel the warm fluid trickle down from me onto him. Hubby loves this but unfortunately, it happens very rarely.

I am not aware of doing anything different or being any more aroused than normal when it happens. Does anyone have any tips for me to try and achieve this effect or "result" more often?

Thank you x

Maybe the angle of him penetrating you stimulates the muscles into producing more fluid? Or it may just be a simple case of gravity. :)

You'll find plenty of advice here:

Do it only happen specific times of the month? Try keeping a diary of you're not sure. I find my wetness/ squirting ability varies with my hormonal cycle, this could be what's going on with you too :)

Oh I hadn't thought of that! Ty x I'll checkout the link as well too Sum x

It does sound like squirting to me which as others have rightly pointed out can be more likely to happen at certain times of your cycle and also depending upon how relaxed you are and what angle you are being penetrated but it can also happen from clitoral stimulation or anally (which I recently found out).
The link Sumsub gave you is brilliant and will explain further.

The last time was directly after anal so making a lot of sense- you guys are amazing- ty x