Age Gaps

I've hardly ever dated guys older than me. My oh of 26 years is 45....I'm 51 xx

I don't think age matters at all , I do sometimes wonder what it would be like to be with an older woman though (experience wise) what be quite nice for them to be in charge

SquirtyPanda wrote:

Age doesn't bother me, ore meaning towards if he's older. I wouldn't date anyone younger than me. I do have a fantasy of having sex with someone older. In their 40-50s.

ehrmergurd! Was gonna be all like, 40's, wink wink, etc. So found you on twitter. I didn't know it got all that raunchy over there. So Thanks Squirty. Will be checking into that twitter feed a little more often! 

Now, what was the question again. Ah, yeah, the age thing, right...
Currently spending time with partners of 8 or 9 years either side or my own age, but dont think I'd go much further than that. Maybe 15 years at most, after that I think there wuld be a little too much generation gap involved.
I'm not quite in hugh Heffner territory yet.

I don't think it would be an issue in your case, only relationship wise as people might be at different stages of their life and want different things. And even then still might work out- depends on the people!

Just thought I'd put in my two cents. I'm attracted to guys outside my age group, don't get me wrong, but I don't think I would consider dating a guy over the age of 25 at the moment. Anything over that just seems too far removed from my personal experience. My current partner is actually only a month older than me.

Doesn't bother me. Me and my OH have 10 years between us:)

Don't bother me either . Have had big age gap before and now me and oh is only a couple of years .

The biggest age gaps for me are 6 years older than me and 13 years younger than me. The only issue I've had is sometimes a younger partner hasn't been as ready for a serious relationship, although that has happened regardless of age. The same could be said for the other arguments against age gap relationships; failing health of one partner, not wanting or being able to have children, family disapproving, differences in outlook, or interests..... these can all be an issue for couples that are exactly the same age. I don't think an age gap would ever stop me being with someone if the relationship was good.

I'm 32 and my partner is 45, we are very happy and have an amazing sex life. I always go for older men.....older and wiser.....

My partner is 32 years olds than me but we have the most amazing loving and lustful relationship. We've been together for 15 years :-)

Its a very interesting topic.

I think like many old stupid taboos, race, religion or same sex open minded modern people see way beyond this. Physical and mental attraction should transcend hatred's and help mankind move on.

Personally my age has not been an issue. I have been very fortunate to of had amazing relationships with younger women. Most did site maturity , experience and respect of a woman. I liked giving them confidence to explore learn about their own bodies and a man.

Just taking time to talk about sex openly , not rush it or make it goal driven. Just enjoying giving and receiving the pleasure another person can give to you. To not make it about taking pleasure but giving. Helping breakdown the insecurities to feel free to exp!ore your sexuality . not look at this as fetishes but just natural sex between two consenting adults.

I would not say I'm drawn to younger women as I've had relationship s with older and similar aged women . I just think younger women feel more liberated now. With the right balance of feminism and equality they are prepared to seek out what they want.

It's not about age for me, it's about maturity

Have dated a couple of younger women, 15yr gap, and 16yr gap. For me, the gap WAS an issue in the end. I felt old, and neither of them were right for me; I guess I was just flattered that someone that young would fancy me...

I dated Someone 12 years younger and I'd much prefer that way than someone older than me.

But at the end of the day I'm a great believer in age is just a number - I'm 48 but could probably pass for 10 years younger 😀

its what you feel comfortable with at the end of the day :) just don't worry what other people think.

Age is just a number I'm 31 my gf is 45. We have a brilliant relationship and the sex is even better

I don't feel age makes a difference as there is a good age gap between me and my wife and it makes no difference between us.

There was a 10yr gap between me and my ex. We were together 12 yrs from me being 17.

I was extremely young to start something in hindsight but not I am the more mature, he thinks he's Peter Pan!!

Shadow Collector wrote:

It's not about age for me, it's about maturity

Precisely this! The difference between a 46yr old and 30yr old would be negligible, take 10yrs off both (as was my situation) and it becomes much more noticeable...

I agree with sex squid in that age gaps become less noticeable with age. While a 30 and 40 year old are both likely to already have found a footing in life, a 20 year old is still finding their way.

A friend of mine dated someone twice her age for two years and as much as both of them wanted to believe that he saw and treated her his equal, there was just such a difference in life experience that it was virtually impossible.

I'm all for being open minded and if someone is happy with who they are dating age is really not an issue, but I do think there's a certain vulnerability in dating someone who has found their stability in life if you've only just started finding your way.

i was with my ex husband for 20 years he was 18 years older than me... i never thought it was the problem (his behaviour and character were!!!)

After being sexually frustrated for 19years and 11 months!!! i am letting loose, for my 44th birthday i experienced a very willing 21 year old and omg it was wild... he is not relationship material but we "booty call" each other from time to time!

Age is only a number but for a woman in her 40s younger is good!!!