Alternative period products

For anyone else thinking of using these kinds of products, mine have only started showing signs of wear and tear after 2 years (and even then they still work pretty well). So these can be a good money saving investment (especially since mine have had the most basic care, they’d probably last much longer if you follow the instructions properly)


Just wanted to update everyone and I took the plug a while ago now and bought skme reusable pads and it’s absolutely the best decision I made! I went with TCS-ECO and I couldn’t be happier. It doesn’t feel like I’m wearing anything, just as if I was wearing the comfy fabric of my knickers. I love everything being able to breathe down there too and not getting sweaty from the plasticky disposables. I really wanted to go for a good brand to give them a good go and I will never go back to disposables now.

I switched to period pants last year and they are so much nicer than disposable pads. I resisted trying them for ages because my periods are quite heavy and i can easily flood a standard pad in an hour. I thought there was no way the resuables would cope with my flow but I was wrong. I don’t have “accidents” anymore, one maxi pair will last me a full work day and I’ll change when i get home (so about 9 hours!). I carry a spare pair but have only used it once.

It sounds silly but I also like that they are black so you can’t see the blood every time you go to the loo. I find having periods very stressful for various reasons but strangely this has helped a lot.


I made the switch to reuseable period underwear maybe two years ago now? Wasn’t so much for helping my intense periods, but they have actually helped with that, so it’s a bonus.

I mostly chose to switch because of the sheer pricing of pads and tampons, especially considering I’m only 23, and didn’t want to constantly be forking out money for disposables.
However, many people think they’re really expensive, but when you consider here in Australia, my pads were costing about $6AUD a month (minimum), and three pairs of period underwear cost me maybe $60AUD, I’ve already saved myself a good $80AUD just by making the switch so far.

And as @Kitty-Cat01 says, they’re great for long wear, dependent on flow (I can go a whole day), and I’ve yet to have any kind of leak. Like any good underwear, if you take good care of them, they last.

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I found some nice pantyliner sized ones in Holland & Barrett.

I stupidly bought white ones (why!?) - so I rinse in cold water when I take it off and then immediately spray on a stain remover and put them in the washing machine until I’m ready to run a full load. So they’re still nice and white after 6 months so far.

But yeah, don’t buy white ones! Why did I do that? Why do they even make white ones!