Alternative sanitary protection

I decided not to try the period pants but I went for the bamboo style reusable pads.

For those that do not get on with the Mooncup and have issues with the sanitary pads with all those hideous chemicals then I highly recommend the re-usable pads.

They are so soft and I have had no leaks - this has been one of my worst months and they arrived the day before so perfect time to test! I am actually working at home today it is that bad. At least I am not having to deal with a reaction to the sanitary products being used.

These could be my savior! 

Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

I decided not to try the period pants but I went for the bamboo style reusable pads.

For those that do not get on with the Mooncup and have issues with the sanitary pads with all those hideous chemicals then I highly recommend the re-usable pads.

They are so soft and I have had no leaks - this has been one of my worst months and they arrived the day before so perfect time to test! I am actually working at home today it is that bad. At least I am not having to deal with a reaction to the sanitary products being used.

These could be my savior!

I didn't get on with the Mooncup, so these sound interesting. Which brand did you get Leanne if you don't mind me asking? Hope you are feeling better soon *hugs* xx

That's great news Leanne, I love hearing from ladies who've made the switch to reusable. No more chemical nasties and landfill!!

I hope too that prolonged use of the cloth helps with your other symptoms. X

I used a site called cheeky wipes - fast delivery and great value. I purchased a start up pack so I have a wet bag too which is super handy! 

Thanks, just needed comfies & kitty cuddles today. Cramps are killer 

Decided to dump the mooncup. After the last time I used it, I got a UTI/yest infection. I boiled it the cup for how long you are advised to, I made sure it was clean however still ended up with an infection. I put it down to my vagina must not like having the blood sitting there stagnant in a cup waiting to be dispelled. Which when you think about it is completely understandable. So I wont be doing that to her again.

So for the time being I am back to using shop bought pads/tampons/panty liners. My periods only last 2.5-3 days so wearing pads for this time isn't too difficult however would rather I didnt have to. I dont want to be on contraception so having periods is the only way forward.

I will take a look into these reusable pads, I will watch a few reviews on Youtube and look around online, is there any other sites to look at for these ? TIA

Walking/gentle exercise eleviates cramps for me, (I know exercise is the LAST thing you want to do when menstruating, but walking out the cramps helps me)


Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

I decided not to try the period pants but I went for the bamboo style reusable pads.

For those that do not get on with the Mooncup and have issues with the sanitary pads with all those hideous chemicals then I highly recommend the re-usable pads.

They are so soft and I have had no leaks - this has been one of my worst months and they arrived the day before so perfect time to test! I am actually working at home today it is that bad. At least I am not having to deal with a reaction to the sanitary products being used.

These could be my savior!

I'm glad you like these. As someone who really dislikes normal sanitary pads, the bamboo reusables are fab. They're comfy, very absorbant and come in funky colours and designs! 👍

Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

I used a site called cheeky wipes - fast delivery and great value. I purchased a start up pack so I have a wet bag too which is super handy!

Thanks, just needed comfies & kitty cuddles today. Cramps are killer

🙁 I had that on Monday - hot flushes, cold sweats and nearly passed out in the co-op. I've not had it that bad in years.

Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

I decided not to try the period pants but I went for the bamboo style reusable pads.

For those that do not get on with the Mooncup and have issues with the sanitary pads with all those hideous chemicals then I highly recommend the re-usable pads.

They are so soft and I have had no leaks - this has been one of my worst months and they arrived the day before so perfect time to test! I am actually working at home today it is that bad. At least I am not having to deal with a reaction to the sanitary products being used.

These could be my savior!

I did not get on with the mooncup either 😕 So I might have look at the bamboo ones 😊

Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

I used a site called cheeky wipes - fast delivery and great value. I purchased a start up pack so I have a wet bag too which is super handy!

Thanks, just needed comfies & kitty cuddles today. Cramps are killer

Thanks Leanne, I will check them out. I know how you feel - my first day today too - definitely a comfies day! xx

For those trying cups, the Lunette cup is far softer the the Mooncup so a lot comfier!
I cannot feel my cup at all

I am SO checking those sites out. Thank you.

I can't get on with my cup 🙁 I really wanted to love it but I'm so odd and couldn't get the cup to unfold properly. I've tried it for a few months but I think it's time to give up. I just worry cloth pads will leak. I bleed a lot 🙁

I love my mooncup, but due to some gynae issues I can have some very long periods (current records stand at 4 months) so sometimes need a break from internal protection (and timeout to sterilise my cup!) so use pads then. Additionally, due to the extreme flow I suffer at times (which the mooncup handles better than any other protection I should add), I need backup, so add pads. Considering cloth pads, haven't decided for sure.

I switched to menstrual cups five years ago and never looked back.

My very first was a Fleurcup then I got a copper coil and needed something softer and easier to remove so I tried Sckoon cup, found it much more comfy but too small for my heavy flow... now I have a Si-Bell and I love it!