Anal Sex

I enjoyed anal for the first time last night. it was heat of the moment instead of "lets try this!!" like it has been before and i loved every second!! x

Thats great news Poppy!!! I'm pleased you had a great night ;) x x x

I don't want to be the person to shout about the search function. But this sort of thread has been done before.

Glad it wnet well! I've been considering having another attempt! You're very convincing!

Ianal. That wonderful full and satisfying feeling, together with it being soo naughty.

Puppies77 wrote:

IExternal Mediaanal. That wonderful full and satisfying feeling, together with it being soo naughty.

couldn't have put it better myself1

Ponpon14 wrote:

Thats great! I hear so many people say it hurts s much the first time and never do it again! I think thts probably only because they didnt use enoough lube/relaxed enough/not really wanting to. I love it too! Ive only ever done it a few times, but i love it and want to do it more!!!

It's definatly bout relaxation and being turned on. I found for the very 1st few times I had to breath through it and take things slowly, a bullet vibe on ya clit helps too. I think the more you do it and if its with someone you trust, it mentally and physically gets easier. Me and the OH do it quiet a lot....we love itExternal Media

Taking it gently enough at first, being really turned on and relaxed, and plenty of specifically-designed lube makes for a much better experience!

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

I have never tried it... I have had the tip of a vibrator and a finger or two, but thats all. I remember when me and my OH first hooked up. We were basically sex buddies in the beginning, getting really drunk then going back for loads of sex. The first few times he tried to "sneak" his way in to my ass! Like I wouldn't notice!! Lol!

It's a totally differant orgasm, honestly I swear to god us girls have our own g spot up there......mmmm :)

I don't think it feels as good as regular sex! don't get me wrong i do like the whole naughty side etc but as a physical sensation i find it less stimulating! My girlfriend is tiny (and very very strong internally) though so i guess it helps lol!

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

I've liked what I've tried, but I just don't think I could go the who nine yards.. (or six inches should I say!)

Thats cool. It is a daunting thought looking at ya fella and wondering how the hell you gona get all that in there External Media. But even just a finger in the bum feels lovely.External Media

I've yet to say i've enjoyed it to the point of orgasm but ive never been the type of person to give up and have bought some toys in diff sizes to help stretch myself to the point where I wont find it uncomfortable. I love the idea and fantasy of being taken quite roughly from behind and want to live that fantasy "safely" with my OH. Will keep ya posted... thats if u dont hear my enjoyment when it happens! lol