Any musical types here?

I attended piano lessons for years but never really found it too much fun! I collect vinyl records though, thats my real musical passion! :)

I used to play drums In the school orchestra. A day doesn't go by now that I don't play harmonica. I've got a few. Blues harp is my fave and everyone seems to like it.

Orange blossom special anyone?


Yeah, SG, keep on blowin' dat harp, boy!

I'm just trying to learn a bit of blues harp. My instrument's really guitar, but I'd like to try the drums too.

Having a young child, there's a lot of nice simple instruments knocking about at the moment and I enjoy fooling around on them. Mini piano, ukelele, xylophone, harmonica, tambourine, maracas, etc.etc...

I play a few instruments, but mainly guitar.

Thrash metal, mostly. Early Metallica, Megadeth, that kind of thing. I still love all the heavy stuff from my childhood in the 80s :-)

I had piano lessons when I was a kid, but I had little or no interest in music back then, all I was interested in was computer games! Kinda wish a kept at it, I'd love to be able to play it properly.

Funny thing is I'm much more interested in music now, it's my life. I've been playing guitar for about 10 years, and while I have owned a bass for about 5, I've only really started playing it properly for about a year as I was asked to join my friend's band. We're making some waves in the local music scene, we've even been played on BBC Radio Wales a few times :D

We're actually planning a tour this summer, it's very stressful to be honest! But hopefully we'll have it sorted soon.

I'm a massive guitar geek, I own 6 guitars and 2 basses, and I still want more!

I'm also into programming, think Aphex Twin, Venetian Snares, that sorta thing.

Can play a bit electric guitar. HAving regular lessons and its painfully slow as I often don't practice in between. Luckily my guitar teacher is cool and understands my life and job take up massive amounts of my days and leave little time for practice.

I do enjoy it though. Its nice using the creative bit of my brain and occasionally we do simple duets and all the hairs stand up on my neck as its just an amazing feeling creating music with someone else.

Divine 69 - I used to play in a brass band at school. learned to play baritone and trombone. One of my earliest crushes was on our bands tuba player. was so chuffed when I got a kiss from her one christmas .

Oh dear. I'm clock watching and need to get to bed! Night all.

I play a few instruments, electric guitar, bass guitar, acoustic guitar, piano, I sing, flute, drums, fiddle.

i play the trumpet, guitar, bass, drums and really just about anything. i was always told i was musically gifted as i started the trumpet at a young age cos my dad plays it.

I play guitar, and rarely keyboard depending how I'm feeling. Play anything really, Pink Floyd, Metallica, Blue October, anything that while listening to makes me feel like picking it up.

I know a bit on the guitar, I have an acoustic and electric, but I haven't played for ages.

I play Bass, and i've recently taken up guitar.

I don't have a band, I just play at home. To be honest I don't play or practice enough to want to join a band, it's just something I have for entertainment in the evenings