any way of making man cum taste better/different

any ideas on potions or diet


BDSM-curious wrote:


how often for how long,eat the fruit or drink juice


This is a very intresting forum as i hate the taste of cum!

I can vouch if you eat big amount food shortly before he cums it does taste like what he ate. Gey him to eat some sweet stuff

I have heard that some foods you should avoid as they make it taste horrible, like asparagus. The more fruit you it, in general, the sweeter it will taste, so plenty of strawberries, pineapple, mango and any other sweet fruits if you want to improve its flavour is the general advice

Avoid garlic

I like your confirmation mrs.hisket! So literally how soon beforehand is he eating sweet food? Reading up on it in the past I got the impression it was like 24 hrs of only pineapple! Ha.

I imagine avoiding garlic is a good tip. Avoiding beer and curry is probably also a good tip (which I struggle with!!!)

We have been using the "Yummy Cum Drops" (horrible title and the bottle design is even worse!!) but they work, his cum has changed consistency and is a pleasant sweet flavour now! You can buy them from LoveHoney, a tiny bottle and he just needs to take a few drops a day in a drink of water or thing to mention though is for my OH is increased the amount of semen he produced too, he's quite happy about that, but it was a shock the first couple of times for me!!

Maybe it's just me, but I've never seen the point in changing what you eat or giving up foods you like temporary, just to make your cum taste better. Surely flavoured lube is a much more easier option?

Just my opinion :)

I'm sure this question was asked some months ago - I can't seem to find the thread - and one of the lovely staffers gave a really full and comprehensive answer.

Usefully, the only bit I can now really remember was that toxins affect the flavour adversely just as much, if not more, than healthy things do positively.

So drinking coffee is going to ruin any good work eating pineapple might do.

Or something like that. She sold it a lot better than I'm doing.

clairesdog, consistency rather than flavour is the problem for us and I've used those drops before, although not regularly enough for them to make any noticeabl difference. Did he use them every day? And if so, for how long? Thanks. :)

I think I was involved in the thread you are referring to DreamOfTheEndless, very helpful advice. Avoiding Toxins if a pretty good life rule in general!

We have never liked the synthetic taste of flavoured lube, prefer as close to flavourless lube as possible. We have the healthy lifestyle, but it is not necessarily translating to tasty cum (or maybe slightly less yuk!). I think having a bowl of fruit or pineapple on the day sounds pretty good to me. But how does the experimenting with different foods work in reality? Try some food the day before, then ask wife to have a lick to see she likes the taste today? If the taste of cum is a huge turnoff to somebody, they aren't going to be keen to start a tasting session! Hmmmmm

Ooooo I have tried and tested this one so can help you out, get your fella to avoid strong foods like onions and garlic stuff like that as this will come out in the taste big time things like curry and chilli...oh my days it makes it really tough to swallow...Beer/lager is another thing that gives it a really burnt nasty taste. Like Lovehoney Dani said a lack of drinking anything also makes it more concentrated and have a heavier stronger taste. Best thing to make a difference get him to eat haribo sweets, pineapple fruit or juice, chocolate but not dark. I would get him to eat or drink the specific things a good few hours before hand to make sure that it gets through the system. Makes a massive massive difference and the whole experience a whole lot better

I've always been sceptical when my Oh said I have the nicest tasting cum she's experienced and she loves to swallow... And I smoke, drink coffee, definitely prefer pain dark chocolate and cook with oodles of garlic!

This leads me to think after reading this thread, maybe it's the amount of red wine we drink but then I'd say that would be in the same pot as the bad stuff above being heavy and bitter?

I don't mind my taste either so I guess, as always, it's personal preference. Good luck on your search for the perfect cumcoction of flavour 😊