Anyone getting iPad 2?

Apple haters can turn around now. I'd like to avoid a bile spitting thread about how they offend you, overpriced and pretencious and why open software is the future blah blah blah. Each to their own but its all been said a million times.

And with that preface is anyone planning on getting one? Anyone ultra-keen and standing in line for one?

If you are is it your first or are you upgrading? If you have the original are you enjoying it or is it collecting dust?

I'm looking forwards to getting my hands on one but will have to wait until back off my holidays. Its certainly something I'd like but have to see if the iPhone 5 is gonna be a 'must have' or a 'maybe' first I think.

Promised MrsBP I'd be more sensible and actually have the money saved up first this time ( unlike many recent splurges )

My mate is interested it getting the new Samsung tablet when it comes out soon. Spec wise it may be better. Just depends on how its delivered in my opinion.

If I had the money I would totally get one - I have played on the IPad 1 several times and they are great.

The only thing with that is there is no USB socket but I have heard (I may be wrong) that the 2nd version has one.

I say if can afford it go for it

Hi Pixie. Welcome to the forums!

I'm afraid no USB port on the new one either. I don't know why - I think something to do with reducing risks of getting viruses directly into it and also tighter content control as well ( ie has to run via iTunes ). Have you seen you can buy a cable to hook it up directly to your TV and it completely mirrors your iPad? So everything you see on your iPad you see on your TV exactly the same as far as I understand including all your apps.

Big Plasma/LCD Angry Birds anyone?

Yeh I've messed about with them in store and increasingly loving using them. Can just imagine would sit in living room with it always on. Plus I don't mind using it as a reading device. I read books on my iPhone all the time. Not the most comfortable read granted but the backlit aspect doesn't bother me.

Humm am totally tempted just for the big screen Angry Birds!

Pixie_Murree wrote:

Humm am totally tempted just for the big screen Angry Birds!

lolol... i play it on my macbook.... millions of times better!

My brother is going to get one and has been pestering me to check how much they cost in the US when I'm out there and to make sure it's wireless? (I wasn't really paying attention), personally I don't see the appeal of them but he is a gadget geek and has the money to spend.

Nope, Never, dislike most Apple products!

Whilst I wish I could put an Apple block on life, and everything in it THIS may be of use to some people:

Gives you external storage options.

I am a mac user myself but I wouldn't buy an iPad. I love the computers Apple produce, I think they're fantastic and can't ever imagine going back to a pc unless I had to. The iPads look fun to play with but I'd much rather just use a computer for things like internet/word processing etc. even though they are all about the apps/games.

I don't really like iPods either, I've owned a couple in my time, a second gen one and a more modern ipod classic from a couple years ago. To me they just don't sound as good as my trusty sony mp3 player from 7 years ago :) Plus the battery on that thing beats the pants off any ipod I've ever known.

They look fun but I'd rather spend my money elsewhere, having said that, I was so addicted to angry birds to the point where I was stealing my sister's iPod touch just to have a play :D

to be honest its not something i would buy either. I prefer android hands down ( free angry birds!) I havent got a need for a tablet either. as i have my phone and ds with in built browsers for web on the move

I am usually quite the mac hater, but in this case i'm actually slightly interested.

I dont like apple as a rule, especially the way they do business and the way they treat developers annoys me. (being a software developer myself i'd hate to be chained to that bloody appstore). However i have to hand it to them, the hardware is neat. And the iPad2 does look cool. But I'm going to wait and see what the blackberry playbook looks like before i buy anything though.

No, lack of USB port plus many other things that your preface stifles...

I bought an iPad 1 when in the US last year (it worked out nearly £200 cheaper than here!). I was a bit sceptical at first as to whether i would have a real use for it apart from playing games or reading books via kindle, but I have to say it has revolutionised the way I work.

I travel a lot and it has saved dragging my laptop around with me as it is so much neater and quicker to use.

There are great apps like Dropbox and Mobile Office that means you can have any files on your home computer instantly available to work on without constantly having to go through iTunes. The VLC app lets me drop films onto it for those long boring train journeys.. all in all it is a winner for me.

The one drawback is that it doesn't support Flash player so some YouTube content is not accessible.. why Apple have done this i don't know.. and the iPad 2 is the same...

Great machine and I will love it til i have enough to buy a Macbook Air... Mmmmmm... orgasmic!

I have one! OK, officially it's my partner's but I'm a great believer in "all that I have I share with you".

I've only really had a play with it but for what I want it for (consuming media) it seems just right.

I've owned/own a handful of Apple iMacs and Macbooks, but never really 'got' the iPad - to me it's still just a big iPod touch!

I'm going to get an Android Honeycomb tablet once they've been out in the UK for a while to beat down prices and work out the kinks in the OS. I love how polished iOS is but I've got used to the flexibility of Android from my phone now.

I"m using a Macbook Air ( latest generation ) and I have to say I utterly adore it. It obvious that an ipad would do less. However by the time i save my pennies I think we'll nearly be on ipad 3 and that must have better screen etc which will make it lush.

I love using them in the shops.