Are we all a little bit odd????

Was having a chat with my oh the other night..........he thinks its really odd that i find it easy to chat to complete strangers on a forum about sex and all sorts of intimate stuff..............he just cant quite get his head around it.........he said he would feel awkward taking about some of the subjects brought up on here!!........and well thinks im a little bit mad!!!

I just wanted to know does anyone else get the same reaction from their partners/friends etc..........

Are we all in a minority here............or just a bunch of raving pervs!!!!!

my oh thinks the same. but i can talk about any thing with any one. me and my 87 year old grt grandmother were talking designer vagina facial hair and cock rings over a cuppa and a hobnob on tuesday...

haha, i was having this convo with some mates only yesterday funnily enough! They think i'm a perv and obsessed with sex toys! I tried to explain the merits and how much you can learn on here and how its really interesting and the people are friendly and funny etc but they didnt get it atall! Since coming on here ive been a lot more open about sex stuff with my friends without noticing! theyve really started noticing how often i turn conversations around to a sexual nature...but in a matter of fact way! Lol! My OH is getting fed up with me talking about LH i think!!!

toxycat wrote:

Was having a chat with my oh the other night..........he thinks its really odd that i find it easy to chat to complete strangers on a forum about sex and all sorts of intimate stuff..............he just cant quite get his head around it.........he said he would feel awkward taking about some of the subjects brought up on here!!........and well thinks im a little bit mad!!!

I just wanted to know does anyone else get the same reaction from their partners/friends etc..........

Are we all in a minority here............or just a bunch of raving pervs!!!!!

Well my OH is a raging perve too External Media I don't really know if we're in a minority or not but I don't really mind either way!

I don't tell anyone else I know about the forum just because I wouldn't want my other loved ones to know the exact details of what I get up to or to see me clad in nothing but lingere. I think all my friends probably know that I love sex and few of them know more details. I've given advice to some friends about sex and toys etc. and one of my friends chose me as the first person to come out to because he felt I was more "open-minded about everything."

Minority or not, I think we're a nice bunch!


I like being odd! I don't mind if people think i'm strange, I'm just very open minded and don't have a problem discussing anything!

It's easier a lot of the time though isn't it? Like, doesn't matter if you look like a tit when you can't see the other person breaking down laughing at you, and there's zero reason to try and impress people you may never even meet so you don't have to be shy with the more ikky questions or comments.

Had actually touched on it with the far-away-guy I was sort of seeing, because when we were talking on-line all the time, it seemed to get into serious territory a lot faster than if we'd just been meeting up for a drink every other week for a bit. The whole concept of the "false sense of intimancy" came in, cause he'd tell me stuff he wouldn't have ever dreamed of saying in person, and vice versa, so we both learned a lot about each other very early on. I never liked that term "false sense of intimacy", because I don't think it's strictly true, since even if when ye finally meet or meet again, the intimacy of knowing the other's deep, dark secrets and private thoughts doesn't get erased just because you realise you don't click or aren't asattracted as ye thought. But, however real or false you think the connection is, I know I find myself over-sharing quite a lot, both with romantic interests and randomers like you guys. It's nice, not having to worry about someone taking something the wrong way and hating you for it.

And hey, if people aren't meant to discuss and learn about sex from the internet, then what's the point of it? ^_^

sexynurse09 wrote:

I like being odd! I don't mind if people think i'm strange, I'm just very open minded and don't have a problem discussing anything!

I'm quite similar I think! A lot of people I meet for the first time think I'm strange and it's funny how there seems to be two kinds of response to THIS a) they look a bit confused and are generally polite but slightly awkward thereafter b) they are a fellow weirdo and seeing me happily make a tit of myself means they completely relax and let all their oddnexss just flop out (metaphorically - noone's ever whiped anything physically odd out thankfully)


I find it EASIER talking to (relative) strangers about sex than people I'm close to. I think its because if you guys think I'm a freaky perv then it doesn't really matter, but if someone I love is freaked out then I would feel pretty bad.

Also, I don't worry about the people on this particular forum thinking less of me, since we're all so open minded and easy going when it comes to all things sexual and kinky and mucky!

haha dont worry Toxy your not alone my OH thinks im mental too for comming on here but all my friends clam up and he wont talk to me about it so this site is kinda like a saving grace for me to ask questions and talk to people about some of the subjects on here. xxx

My OH cant understand forums, the topic is irrelevant to her.

I chat quite a bit on Cybersexchat and often have the camera on, people will see her wondering around in the back ground - she is happy with that but would never dream of actually sitting at a keyboard in order to have a conversation.

She also thinks the word association thread is really odd!

My oh and close friends all know about the forums and have had a look. I've never had an adverse reaction and they are pleased with the advice I can give them because of my time on the forums.

I do still think we're all nuts tho ;-) xxx

headsouth wrote:

The point for me is that being a stranger is the best thing. You don't know me, you wouldn't know if you walked past me in the street, so I don't feel the need to hold back and worry (as much) what people think of me, and I get to learn a lot of useful things to help improve my sex life. wins all round.

Completely agree with you on this one...................because i dont properly know any of you....i find it easier to say what i want and not feel awkward about it...i mean if i brought into general conversation some of the stuff we chat about on say my friends.........i think half of them would be shocked...and the other half too emaberressed!!

So OH army i salute you!!!........................a haven for the perverse waifs and strays...........

Nah, easier to talk to people you know will be like minded.

I don't find it surprising sex is such a popular topic to talk about online, I mean it does have a history of being quite popular.

We could say the people not talking are a bit odd and only don't because of social constraints.

I think most people are a little funny peculiar in their own nice way! My OH doesn't think anything about me posting in the forums. It's not harming anyone so live and let live! She knows I'm odd anyway. I put big fucking test fires out for a living, love kicking the shit out of huge men, hiking up mountains then come home to tend to my lovely flowers and bake cakes and make jams! Everyone is really nice, honest and down to earth on here too I would say. SG x

My OH made an account ages ago but only posted about 5 times because he didn't like the idea of people knowing him as monoxide and not as just "my boyfriend"

he is very private about sex to be honest as i have often asked him if he talks to his friends about sex and he said since we first started sleeping together and any other "firsts" between the two of us he hasn't really spoke about much

i think its so much better to talk to strangers on the interent than people you love, my two best friends know pretty much everything there is to know about me but one of them has only had sex once, so i can't ask her for advice, and my other friend is great for lingerie advice but isn't as well educated in other matters like the lovely members of the OA are!

the OA is something i really enjoy! i enjoy talking to people online about all things weird and wonderful because even if i decided i liked to rub squirrels on my head to turn me on there would probably be someone on here who would have some advice for me!

VW x

We are odd though... We're much better at sex than the general populace.

Rubbing squirrels on your head VW? That's just nuts girl! :-p Okay, okay! But it was all I could think of!

Everyone here has one important thing in common, but maybe quite a lot of us fall into two different groups, as perhaps implied by the posts so far.

One group is people that are very uninhibited and are equally willing to talk openly off-line to their friends about sex. I think it would be true to say that this happens far more amongst women than men.

The other group - which I'm in - is prepared to openly address the subject here because of the anonymity, would never normally do so in a face to face situation. For me, sex as a very private thing and I'd be really embarrassed if my friends knew intimate details about my desires/experiences/toys etc. In fact I'd feel equally uncomfortable about knowing that sort of thing about my friends, and it certainly wouldn't make me feel any closer to them. I think if you're in this category, it can be quite 'liberating' to say things that would otherwise be impossible.

I feel that I can talk more openly on here than I can to most people. My OH I can talk to about anything and my best mate about some stuff. A while ago she brought up the subject of foreplay, or should I say the lack of in her case. After a few minutes she asked if I minded talking about 'this kinda stuff' I just laughed and said not at all. She isn't used to being able to talk about sex with a friend so I was glad that she was able to open up to me and has a lot more. She doesn't know the extent of my kinks, think that would be a bit too shocking for her.

I think we're the enlightened minority that don't care about stigmas and other peoples opinions. In fact I find my friends weird for not owning any sex toys!