Are you starting back to work next week? or have you started back already ready to reopen next week?

A great number of people have been off work as business were closed during lockdown. Shops reopen on Monday so how many of you are going back to work on Monday or have you returned already getting ready for reopening next week.

Are you looking forward to seeing/working with other staff.

I'm very lucky as work from home on my own, I do miss meeting others / discussions in the office though. Apprehensive about going out around others though so glad i'm at home

I've worked all through this situation so it's business as usual for me, my OH has been furloughed throughout and had been busy doing diy etc. She has missed the social aspects of going to work.

I am a kitchen assistant at a local school so will be returning back to work for 3 days a week with the phase return of the children next week. i have currently only been working 1day a week but it will be good to start getting back into a working routine and seeing colleagues that I have not seen for a while .

I’ve been working from home throughout the lockdown, I prefer working on my own, saving me a lot on travel. When I worked in the office the majority of the time I was on my own anyway, as a contractor I’ve found its better to keep yourself to yourself. In our meetings each week it looks like it will be along time before well be back in the office.

I've been working from home but the office I usually work at is aiming at reopening week after next with just a couple of staff, I need to commute by train so I think I am being allowed to wait till the week after (July). We have about half the staff who still won't be able to return though due to health conditions or child care. I am nervous and I don't like wearing a mask (I find it claustrophobic) but I'll do what's necessary. Once I'm back I know I'll enjoy it again but I'm not great with change and I've got used to being at home 🤣

Well I was furloughed at the beginning of April for 3 weeks, so been back just over a month and now I’ve just broken up again for another 3 weeks due to lack of orders

Haven't stopped. Working in transport in a fault and manitence side of things, with 24hour coverage. Actually could be doing with a break.

D&E, sorry to hear that mate, I hope work picks up again soon.

Been furloughed but back to working from home on Monday. I’m so nervous though as I’ve really gotten used to doing nothing all day!

I work in the NHS and have been slogging away all this time. No break for me. I'm longing for a rest.

Good luck to everyone returning to work, Fun Louise and everyone in the NHS thankyou for all your hard work through this unussual and difficult time

Knight1119 wrote:

D&E, sorry to hear that mate, I hope work picks up again soon.

Thanks knight

steve19 wrote:

Good luck to everyone returning to work, Fun Louise and everyone in the NHS thankyou for all your hard work through this unussual and difficult time

Thanks Steve I actually have this week off which is great. We were due to be on a boat on the Norfolk Broads, but sadly not. Loads of chores to be done but I'm planning a couple of pints of beer at home too. The praise is lovely but we are all just doing our job. It's a shame we worked through the sunny spell though.

Hi Fun Loise, myself and wife are also on holiday this week but of course not going away as no where open. Wife also works for NHS as felt she needed a rest after hectic time. Enjoy your break. Don't do too much cleaning

I’ve been working from home almost since lockdown began and there’s no signs of us going back due to the large amount of redundancies they’re having to make.

Fun Louise, I hope you have a great week off, thoroughly deserved, best wishes.