Avoiding me

This isn't sex related but I don't know who to talk to about this and being a sensitive person it's really upsetting me. My neighbour used to like all my Facebook posts, but has stopped (since I stopped liking his) and also uses the back door to go in (our front doors are opposite each other) and never has the lights on when he's home. Am I reading too much into this or is he avoiding me? I'd hate to think i'd done anything to upset him - there's nothing I can think of that ice done, as we don't talk often but I just have a feeling he is avoiding me. We have a lot in common and when we've got together (him and his he and me and my hubby) for drinks we've always got on well. He is with somebody and she and I talk occasionally on WhatsApp but that's it. Any ideas what's going on or am I being too sensitive?! Thank you in advance x

My advice is to speak to him in person. Judging him on Facebook likes is no way to gauge anything! Just say hello and make conversation, knock the door invite him round for a drink or something, if he has an issue you`ll find out. But yes, reading things from Facebook likes, which you admit you have stopped too seems very odd!

Some of my friends don`t "Like" everything i post, but i don`t read anything into it!

Also, i don't have my lights on much this time of year, it's light well after 9.30pm and the light from the tv is enough after that.

All does sound very odd but I wouldn’t blame yourself. You never know what’s going on behind closed doors and he may be going through some things that he’s choosing to keep private? Drop him a message or catch him while he’s outside and say hello :)

Thank you for replying. I don't feel I could ask him over for a drink or message him directly - dont feel it would be appropriate 😕