Been naughty with food

Picked up some carrots at the shops this weekend and noticed the look more like dildos rather than a carrot shape :joy::joy::joy: don’t ask why I thought that!
So just a thought as depicted on comedy films and possibly some porn who has actually reached for food items to fulfill their naughty needs, what did you use and did you bin it after or recycle and cook it / eat it after :thinking::thinking::wink::joy:

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We have used food in our sex play, it is always binned afterwards, except a certain piece of fruit which was eaten as part of the sex play.

We also recreated the scene out of American Pie using baked goods, that is one strange feeling and not that erotic. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

That is on top of the ubiquitous food stuffs such as chocolate sauce and whipped cream, which are regularly licked from the OH’s breasts and pussy.


Never used food as a fulfilled but love using melted warm chocolate and custard in messy play

I’ve once tried carrots too with a condom on them :sweat_smile:

i’ve put a cucumber up my ass


In our younger days we have used mini Magnum ice lollies inside my wife’s vagina for temperature play. To avoid any mess I ate the lolly afterwards and cleaned up her vagina with my tongue.


Early marriage we played with whip cream, syrup, etc

but then we kinda found it sticky and icky. On occasion we still use food, but only if a sex board game asks us to or whatever

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