Best sweets of the 80's

Sherbet pips?

What about aniseed balls? Some people reaaallly don't like them though so I'd check first! :)

I love aniseed balls! Don't think he does though

Toffee not coffee lol

pinkanimal wrote:

Toffee not coffee lol

That's so weird! I read toffee :D

Me and my brother used to love wham bars .

I think I bought a massive jar of rainbow sherbet, can't remember, my order doesn't list everything :(

Chelsea whoppers, golf ball chewing gum and chocolate icy cups *drool*

rubarb and custards and anaseed twists yummmmmmm

Fireballs, bit like a jaw breaker but hot. sherbert fountain, bazooka bubble gum, Kola Kubes, pink shrimps.

TEXAN BARS and be done with it!!! I believe they made a comeback a few years ago. Washed down with a can of Quattro![](upload://l9s9e23YKLHpoOzgGVeUkhZGcEr.gif)

Chelsea Woppas?

I have nothing to add to this thread...just that I am totally drooling...and inspired to make sweet hampers for Christmas! :D

Icy Cups! I loved these but didn't know what they were called until I saw them in a shop three years ago. I immediately told all my friends about them and most didn't recognise them.

Not sure if it's an 80s sweet, but Wham Bars are great. 🙂

Mmmmm reminds me I loved a frys five centres bar...🤤

Anyone remember Cabana bars? Mmmmmm they were lovely, chocolate bar with coconut and cherry pieces inside....discontinued in the 90's if I recall.

Dolly mixture. And those two-tone oval shaped lollies on a stick - can't remember what they are called, sherbet flavour.

MsR wrote:

Dolly mixture. And those two-tone oval shaped lollies on a stick - can't remember what they are called, sherbet flavour.


Golf ball chewing gum.