Best way to dry realistic toy?

I recently purchased a realistic size toy and I'm wondering what the best way to dry out the canals are? I thought of using a microfiber cloth inside but it doesn't fit (obviously ...) and I'm paranoid of water remaining in there and becoming an problem

What I've done is taken an old wire coat hanger and bent it around the case for the toy, then tightened the circle further. Once the toy is washed, it can then be fed through the circle (entrance up) and left to dry hanging in a ventilated area

Do you have a hot water cupboard?

I don't have a hot water cupboard. The culprit is this item

Would a small duster or something work?

I'd advise against putting a duster or other object in the hole, as it might damage the texture.

Limanade's suggestion is good. Maybe you can use two wire hangers to balance it?

We haven't tried it, but you could spray some air to hopefully get the last drops out, using a pressurized air can. Not sure if it evaporates 100% or leaves any residue, though.

After you've let it dry as much as possible, the renewer powder or cornstarch that you'll add (use your finger) should also absorbe moisture, if there's any left.