Bit different

Well I would say that the fist thing to do it get to know each other talk to each other and you can not rush in having sex on the first night. You will have to get use to each other take your time and then when the time does come then talk to here about sex and your fantasy . Also try to find out more about her fantasy. If you are just looking for one night stand or simpler then I think then you will have to look at other ways then. It takes time and every women is always different and you have to learn how to swoop here of here feet so to speak. I hope I have helped.

Ford5forever wrote:

This isn't probs the place but every girl I've been with has been boring... Won't let me try things and with my mind full of ideas etc and wanting to try toys etc, I've got a question

Just how did you get into toys/new things?

Also.... How can I find someone who is willing to try or got the experience without visiting a brothel (or somewhere along them lines)

Every Women is different, some girls are adventurous and others are shy. A girl shotting down an idea straight away will let you know that because it's something new she is unsure. You need to encourage her during normal sex to show she is great as she is and adding a new flavour in the bedroom isn't because you aren't enjoying regular sex. Because sometimes girls will think it because you don't like having sex with them. Other girls are more adventurous but it really depends on each girl. Slow and steady and encouraging them in a pure vanilla environment, also introducing toys for their pleasure first offering a vibrator to make her feel better because then she sees it as a reward for her rather than you.

Some me of us girls are more adventurous but some just need encouragement.

Don't mean to sound rude, but (maybe I'm wrong) your thread comes across a wee bit selfish, like it's all about you and your needs!

As a very open and "willing to try most things once kinda gal"! I'm not sure I'd be so open and out there with just any lover. Communication, for me is crucial and chemistry obviously. Unfortunately a lot of woman are their own worst critic and for some reason get embarrassed talking about what they like or want to try!

Im really lucky in that my OH (regardless how I'm feeling) totally gets me and is my biggest fan. Sexually we match perfectly and he always makes everything about me and my needs (super lucky girl), so in saying that... Certain things he suggests we try (probably wouldn't consider without him mentioning) I'm 100% up for, because I want to please him like he does me... And I trust him with my life and know he would never push me into something I wasn't comfortable with. Hope this helps and apologies if I got you wrong! Really hope you find your match and don't resort to paying to have your needs met! There's someone for everyone... Promise x

Don't mean to sound rude, but (maybe I'm wrong) your thread comes across a wee bit selfish, like it's all about you and your needs!

As a very open and "willing to try most things once kinda gal"! I'm not sure I'd be so open and out there with just any lover. Communication, for me is crucial and chemistry obviously. Unfortunately a lot of woman are their own worst critic and for some reason get embarrassed talking about what they like or want to try!

Im really lucky in that my OH (regardless how I'm feeling) totally gets me and is my biggest fan. Sexually we match perfectly and he always makes everything about me and my needs (super lucky girl), so in saying that... Certain things he suggests we try (probably wouldn't consider without him mentioning) I'm 100% up for, because I want to please him like he does me... And I trust him with my life and know he would never push me into something I wasn't comfortable with. Hope this helps and apologies if I got you wrong! Really hope you find your match and don't resort to paying to have your needs met! There's someone for everyone... Promise x

I've not read all of this thread but my immediate thought was - for me personally I wouldn't consider toys or any additional things with a partner until I totally felt something for him - love and trust for one, I personally never felt any need for toys etc until our sex life got a bit samey and needed spice. To be expecting a new partner to want to enhance a new sexlife is to be honest asking a bit too much, sorry 😐