boredom at work

does anyone else ever get bored during there day at work and day dream about sex or self pleasure, I do it quite often but wondered if any of you other crazy high sex driven people do to.

Tbh don't have time to get bored!!!!!


Me neither. If im doing comissions it's at home or if I'm volunteering I am far too busy to even think what's for dinner let alone sex 😅

my mind wansers to sex at times. I just take a break and masturbate and then I can focus better for work.

Vanessa8 wrote:

my mind wansers to sex at times. I just take a break and masturbate and then I can focus better for work.

bloody hell if only I worked somewhere that could be possible

Not so much at work as on the journey to and from work. I quite often find myself day dreaming about things I would like to do with Mrs tj later that evening. I suppose reading this forum during the journey makes that a little worse!

I work from home so it's a little difficult for me to answer but when I'm working I'm generally lost in invoices and filing so there's not much time to daydream!

Mainly on my way to and from work. I some times oh naughty messages on my brake

I'm never bored in my job, I've been Thier two years and I've not been bored once!

Hah, I can be busy or bored and thinking of sex and stuff I want do or being done to me.

Too busy !

At my old job working on a machine i got very bored and daydreamed about sex all the time,at my current job in retail i don`t have time to be bored,plus spending time in a cold room makes things shrivel to nothing!

Way too busy, I get to Friday and wonder how I have managed to get it all done! 

Plus when you work at Lovehoney, it never gets boring ![smiley|20x20](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif "smiley")

Lovehoney - Leanne wrote:

Way too busy, I get to Friday and wonder how I have managed to get it all done! 

Plus when you work at Lovehoney, it never gets boring ![smiley|20x20](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif "smiley")

+All of this

All the bloody time!

I don't think one needs to be bored for their mind to wander. I also think an orgasm is tge best stress reliever so sometimes taking a break for a,release actually helps me focus better.

Me too, I'm very highly sexed and need to self pleasure too or my rabbit in secret pleasure :)

Used too, no time in present job.